A default package to get a vs-code like setup for nvim, with linting, lsp, formatting, auto-completion, git integration, highlighting, file trees and even trouble
Firstly ensure you have external servers added to apt
go to start menu > Software & Updates > tick everything under Ubuntu Software to true
Set updates to what ever, it is your pc
Neovim does get installed via Snap, if it is installed via apt, you will have to remove it.
Now copy the contents of "sudo_me.txt", paste this into the ubuntu terminal
You will likely have to press "y" a lot
This also updates the apt list, and updates all packages before hand
Secondly do the same for "sudo_me_later.txt", paste this as well
This is an extended font format for extra images and icons added to nvim
Head to tags and set tag to the latest version and donwload the .zip and paste the extracted nvim folder in ~/.config/
Head to https://github.dev/Ren-B-7/Super-Start.nvim
and download via the VsCode browser editor.
Then finally go to ~/.config/
and paste the "nvim" folder here
With command cd ~/.config
enter the .config directiry, now run git clone --branch tag-name --single-branch https://github.com/Ren-B-7/nvim-installation-package.git
then copy the "nvim" folder and paste in ~/.config/
and remove the directory ~/.config/nvim-installation-package
Or alternatively only download the wanted folders via github itself and paste within the ~/.config/nvim directory
Then run nvim in your terminal, and all should be well, if not contact owner or open a discussion and you will be responded as soon as possible.
I recommend using WezTerm with ZSH, it is easy use with the normal terminal commands and plugins for further use and customization.