Welcome to the Recraftors MC organisation page!
We do ports, we do backports, and also some new mods!
This project was launched by Nerjal Nosk at the end of 2022, and aims to bring a bunch of Minecraft mods to the universal stage, not only bringing old ones to life but also making them usable with all modloaders!
As of today, we are a total of 1 person, and ready to welcome new members who would be motivated on participating in the project.
As of today, our team regroups a total of 1 person, and aims to grow bigger, to provide always more mod ports to the community.
As for the community itself, we approximate it to a total of 0 members. Numbers from the Discord server
We aim to do mod porting as a main activity, but making our own mods will also be a thing! Mainly, our base mod Almanac, will be at the core of all our systems, providing easily usable tools to mods run on all loaders.
You can suggest a mod to be ported on both out Discord server, or through this repo's discussions
You can join our Discord server, and open a candidacy ticket in the candidacy channel. We will then be in touch about your motivation and whether we take you in.
You can also use this repo's discussions to provide us a base candidacy sheet, and we would then take contact with you in order to discuss your candidacy.
Join us! --> https://discord.gg/fMK2jACrHa
Coming soon(TM)
Coming soon(TM)
:alert: All of our ports are unofficial unless marked as such. All licensing belongs to the original mod owners, but we are responsible for all mod support towards our ports. If, and only if, an error is actually caused by the code of the original mod contained in one of our port, then we would pass the report along to the real developer, if they still work on their mod.
We are by no means in a position to pass any demand to original mod owners. If you wish to see some modification occur in a mod we ported, you shall ask to the original mod owner to have it done, then only if it becomes a thing will it be included in our ports. Only our own mods will include content of our own.