- better modularization
- reset program (execv)
- resolved warnings
- added collections for data/links/sent-data/cookies
- improved functionality
- added a toggle theme button for the people that hate their eyes
- fancier copyright
- refactored fully the main function
- added more fonts
- separated timezones/fonts from the main
- created GUI(wip)
- added functionality to choose UA/WebEngine/Font/Timezone/Platform/Browser
- added a terminal to see the settings with which the browser started
- added a textfield for victim URL
- refactored modify_canvas_fingerprint() to bypass newest protection
- refactored generate_user_agents() to bypass newest protection
- refactored generate_browser_version() in order to get more accurate browser versions to the reality
- refactored get_random_user_agent() to include edge cases like safari/firefox/IE
- eliminated unreadable languages from get_random_language()
- added spoof_timezone() to do inimaginable things
- added change_fonts() to do also inimaginable things
- updated WRTC
- updated uBlock-Origin
- inject & modify getImageData & getContext
- allow js
- random language select at boot
- better generation of user agents
- fixed imp psutil
- disabled WRTC by extension
- added uBlock Origin
- firstly boots to blank, injects the modified js, then gets to the victim
Created to bypass user recognition of some websites. Best usage and results with a premium VPN like cyberghost.
- custom made library functions, timezones, user_agents, fonts
- undetected chrome driver
- selenium web driver
- threading
- tkinter & customtkinter
- random
- time
- requests
- logging
- psutil
- sys
- os
You need to create the folder data/cookies.txt / data/links.txt / data/performance_logs.txt / data/scripts.txt
C:\Users\Your_user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe -m pip install undetected_chromedriver
C:\Users\Your_user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe C:\Users\Your_user\bot\main.py