Custom scripting language using Python (in development)
cd src && python <file>
- set x = 1
- let y
- const z = 1
- x = 1
- math operations and str concatenation
- for loop
- comments (# single-line and ### multi-line)
- functions
- ternary operator
- str, int, bool and none types
- log function for debugging
- shell mode
- string formatting
- while
- loop 10
- if-else
- lists
- list and str slicing
- built-in functions (len, sum, enum, max, ...)
- maps
- lambda functions
- list comprehensions
- classes
- ...
fn my_function[str, n]
print str, n
const start = 0
const end = start + 10
let x
set step_str = 'two'
x = step_str == 'one' ? 1 : 2
log x
for i from start to end step x
my_function 'number:', i
x = 2 (int)
number: 0
number: 2
number: 4
number: 6
number: 8
number: 10
cd tests && python -m unittest discover