Quindy is a high-level API that allows interaction with Hyperledger Indy nodes from Java. It is currently in a pre-release state, breaking changes will be happening a lot.
Quindy provides an object-oriented API, at the level agents would want to have interaction. If your application needs low level control over the communication, or a procedural API is more suitable, we refer to the indy-sdk, for Java specifically to the Java wrapper that indy-sdk provides
In order to test, run: TEST_POOL_IP= docker-compose up --build --force-recreate --exit-code-from wrapper pool wrapper
The tests use a base image, which you can build locally with docker build -t studybits/base-image:latest -f ci/base-image.dockerfile ci/
This is needed if you want to use an updated version of libindy
In order to run locally, install libindy with the version matching the indy-sdk in the pom.xml
through instructions here (use master branch to install dev builds)
or build from source and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to a folder with libindy.so
In order to get logging from the lower level sdk, set RUST_LOG=info
in your environment
In order to release to bintray, run: ./release.sh
This requires configuring username/api key for bintray-repo-maven-quintor in your local settings.xml (and permissions to that maven repository)
In addition, it requires a logged in dockerhub account with access to the studybits org, in order to push the docker images.