Releases: PublicDesignWorkshop/FoodParent2.0
Change image upload payload (no need to disable apache security module)
- Change default tilemap from cartodb to Mapbox street.
- Use Blob to send image data instead of base64 string data
- Use exif library to correct orientation of image from mobile devices.
- Fix some wording issues.
Resize image using Javascript & Canvas to improve image transferring speed
- Please update index.html file.
- {app-root-directory}/dist folder includes necessary libraries and compiled version of js file for {domain}/FoodParent2.0 url.
- Make sure your hosting service allows sending base64 image data via POST. Many hosting services block this rule using Mode Security module to protect from various attack. However, if you contact to admin of your hosting site, you can ask to allow this specific rule so that you can send base64 data via POST.
FoodParent Beta Version 1.0
Localization is available. (Check {app-root-directory}/src/constraints/localization.tsx)
- English is added. (Check {app-root-directory}/src/constraints/localization-en.json)
- Korean is added. (Check {app-root-directory}/src/constraints/localization-ko.json)
Now, Donation panel & Tree panel has a graph.
- Each line represent a different year so that CJ can easily compare the difference of growing rate in each year.
- Each line represent a different year so that CJ can easily compare the difference of donation in each year.
Demo: - Change the unit from "g" to "kg" for saving a panel space.
You need to login as a manager or admin to see the donation mode.
* I used Chart.js library, but I couldn't bundle it together as foodparent.js file. So make sure to upload {app-root-directory}/dist/Chart.Core.js and {app-root-directory}/dist/Chart.Scatter.js.
- You also need to upload {app-root-directory}/index.html so that index.html file can import chart.js library.
Apply CSS to flagged trees & Ability to cancel adding a tree
Version released with a feature based on Issue #2 and #14
The database structure is located under {app-root-foler}/serverconfig/tree_parent.sql.
The CSS styles for flagged icons are defined in {app-root-foler}/src/client.css.
Hidden flag example:
Dead flag example:
- You need to login as manager or admin account to find these trees.
Playing with a cluster disable value & remove unnecessary files
The database structure is located under {app-root-foler}/serverconfig/tree_parent.sql
Calculating season trees
Based on Issue #28, Whenever the program is loaded, it read the rate filed data of
tree, and update
seasonfield on
food` table.
The database structure is located under {app-root-foler}/serverconfig/tree_parent.sql
Donation page for manager
Draft version of donation page
10 Steps for adding a new donation
- Click the donation menu on the right control bar.
- Add a new place to donate.
- Select the place to donate.
- Upload photos for donation.
- Select a type of food.
- Select tree sources.
- Type a comment.
- Select a date of donation.
- Type amount of donation.
- Post the donate.
Fix tree name update bug & Add location marker
- There was a bug the name of tree not updated on the tree info panel when the marker is selected (Fixed).
- Put the current location search back on.
- When user search address using top search box, it moves the black circle marker from user's current location to searched area.
Support es6-promise for lower version of iOS
- iOS versions lower than 8 doesn't support newest callback feature called "Promise". Thus I added to support promise non-support browsers.
- Spinner bug fixed.