Tool for generating simple Django tests
- Django
Some utilities require additional libraries as:
- django-pragmatic
- django-filter
- better-exceptions
- Install python library using pip: pip install django-kaskader
- Add
in your Django settings file
Subclass GenericBaseMixin and GenericTestMixin in your TestCase class, setup inputs from InputMixin as needed and run test command, generic tests for discovered urls, filters and querysets will be included.
class InputMixin(object)
Contains all attributes and methods used to specify what objects to create, which apps to test, what to skip. Set attributes as needed and override following methods to modify default behavior.
Providing obj data
def manual_model_dependency(cls)
- Use to add explicit models dependencies based on realtions used for ordering models for generating objects.
def model_field_values_map(cls)
- Use to specify objects with predefined values to generate.
def model_field_name_map(cls)
- Use to specify default model field values by field name.
def default_field_map(cls)
- Use to specify default model field values by field class.
def default_form_field_map(cls)
- Use to specify default form field values by field class.
Providing test data
def url_params_map(self)
- use to provide specific test values per url for test_urls
def queryset_params_map(self)
- use to provide specific test args/kwargs values per queryset method for test_querysets
def filter_params_map(self)
- use to provide specific test values per filter for test_filters
class BaseMixin(object)
- Contains methods use to search relevant apps, models, urls, parsing args and other basic necessary functionalities.
class GenericBaseMixin(InputMixin, BaseMixin)
Provides a number of helper methods for generating and working with objects populated with test data. Besides following important functions contains also other potentially useful methods for generating specific mock values, etc.
Retrieving objects and data
def get_generated_obj(cls, model=None, obj_name=None)
- returns object matching model and obj_name, better use both parameters to avoid ambiguity
def next_id(cls, model)
- returns next id for given model, meaning last existing + 1
Generating objects
def setUpTestData(cls)
- Appends object generation to TestCase.setUpTestData() when a test class is loaded.
def generate_objs(cls)
- Sorts order of models to generate objects for and creates objects for model in that.
def get_sorted_models_dependency(cls, required_only=False, reverse=False)
- Orders models by relations.
def generate_model_objs(cls, model)
- Generates objects for given model.
def generate_obj(cls, model, field_values=None, **kwargs)
- Generates obj for given model with values given in kwargs, field values are deprecated.
class GenericTestMixin(Object)
Provides basic tests for urls, filters and querysets
def test_urls(self)
- looks up and tests all found urls checking get request (including sorting and display), response code, post request with generated form data, form validity, verifies creation/deletion for detected Create/DeleteView
def test_querysets(self)
- finds QuerySet subclasses and calls every method with generated args/kwargs
def test_filters(self)
- finds subclasses of FilterSet and calls filtered queryset for generated form data
class DynamicUrlTestMixin(Object)
- Collect and split urls into smaller chunk and generate tests for them. they need to be used together, see example. Advantageous for parallelization.
class MissingTestMixin(GenericBaseMixin)
- Checks missing tests for signals, permissions, custom filter methods and managers. Test names must use specific pattern to be recognised.
Contains potentailly helpful mixins for various manual tests.
class RqMixin(object)
- Testing rq jobs and scheduling.
class UrlTestMixin(object)
- Testing urls.
class FilterTestMixin(object)
- Testing filters.
class ManagerTestMixin(object)
- Testing managers.
class PermissionTestMixin(object)
- Testing permissions.