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LuEdRaMo committed Aug 17, 2024
1 parent bb8d4c2 commit fdf69aa
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Showing 3 changed files with 275 additions and 31 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions ext/NEOsRecipesBaseExt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -13,11 +13,9 @@ end
N::Int = 100, ρscale::Symbol = :linear) where {T <: Real}
seriestype --> :path
tmax = boundary == :outer ? 3 : 2
ps = map(t -> arboundary(A, t, boundary), LinRange(0, tmax, N))
ps = map(t -> arboundary(A, t, boundary, ρscale), LinRange(0, tmax, N))
xs, ys = first.(ps), last.(ps)
if ρscale == :log
xs .= log10.(xs)

return xs, ys

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214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions scripts/adam.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
using Distributed, ArgParse

function parse_commandline()
s = ArgParseSettings()

# Program name (for usage & help screen)
s.prog = "adam.jl"
# Desciption (for help screen)
s.description = """
Evaluate `NEOs.adam` over `N` equally spaced points
in the boundary of a tracklet's admissible region."""

s.epilog = """
# Evaluate 100 points in the boundary of 2014AA.txt with 10 workers\n
# and 5 threads each\n
julia -p 10 -t 5 --project scripts/adam.jl -i 2014AA.txt -N 100\n

@add_arg_table! s begin
"--input", "-i"
help = "input optical astrometry file"
arg_type = String
"--varorder", "-v"
help = "jet transport order"
arg_type = Int
default = 2
"--N", "-N"
help = "number of points"
arg_type = Int
default = 100
"--maxiter", "-m"
help = "maximum iterations per point"
arg_type = Int
default = 200

return parse_args(s)

@everywhere begin
using NEOs, Dates, TaylorSeries, PlanetaryEphemeris, JLD2
using NEOs: RadecMPC, AdmissibleRegion, PropagationBuffer, OpticalResidual,
attr2bary, propres!, boundary_projection, reduce_tracklets, arboundary

function adam(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, ρ::T, v_ρ::T,
params::NEOParameters{T}; scale::Symbol = :linear, η::T = 25.0,
μ::T = 0.75, ν::T = 0.9, ϵ::T = 1e-8, Qtol::T = 0.001, adamorder::Int = 2,
dynamics::D = newtonian!) where {T <: Real, D}
# Initial time of integration [julian days]
jd0 = datetime2julian(
# Maximum number of iterations
maxiter = params.adamiter
# Allocate memory
aes = Matrix{T}(undef, 6, maxiter+1)
Qs = fill(T(Inf), maxiter+1)
# Initial attributable elements
aes[:, 1] .= [A.α, A.δ, A.v_α, A.v_δ, ρ, v_ρ]
# Scaling factors
scalings = Vector{T}(undef, 6)
scalings[1:4] .= abs.(aes[1:4, 1]) ./ 1e6
if scale == :linear
scalings[5] = (A.ρ_domain[2] - A.ρ_domain[1]) / 1_000
elseif scale == :log
scalings[5] = (log10(A.ρ_domain[2]) - log10(A.ρ_domain[1])) / 1_000
scalings[6] = (A.v_ρ_domain[2] - A.v_ρ_domain[1]) / 1_000
# Jet transport variables
set_variables(Float64, "dx"; order = adamorder, numvars = 6)
dae = [scalings[i] * TaylorN(i, order = adamorder) for i in 1:6]
# Propagation buffer
t0, tf = datetime2days(date(radec[1])), datetime2days(date(radec[end]))
tlim = (t0 - params.bwdoffset, tf + params.fwdoffset)
buffer = PropagationBuffer(dynamics, jd0, tlim, aes[:, 1] .+ dae, params)
# Vector of O-C residuals
res = Vector{OpticalResidual{T, TaylorN{T}}}(undef, length(radec))
# Origin
x0 = zeros(T, 6)
x1 = zeros(T, 6)
# Gradient of objective function wrt (ρ, v_ρ)
g_t = Vector{T}(undef, 2)
# First momentum
m = zeros(T, 2)
_m_ = zeros(T, 2)
# Second momentum
n = zeros(T, 2)
_n_ = zeros(T, 2)
# Gradient descent
for t in 1:maxiter
# Current attributable elements (plain)
ae = aes[:, t]
# Attributable elements (JT)
if scale == :linear
AE = ae + dae
elseif scale == :log
AE = [ae[1] + dae[1], ae[2] + dae[2], ae[3] + dae[3],
ae[4] + dae[4], 10^(log10(ae[5]) + dae[5]), ae[6] + dae[6]]
# Barycentric state vector
q = attr2bary(A, AE, params)
# Propagation and residuals
# TO DO: `ρ::TaylorN` is too slow for `adam` due to evaluations
# within the dynamical model
propres!(res, radec, jd0 - ae[5]/c_au_per_day, q, params; buffer, dynamics)
iszero(length(res)) && break
# Least squares fit
fit = tryls(res, x0, 5, 1:4)
x1 .= fit.x
# Current Q
Q = nms(res)
Q(x1) < 0 && break
Qs[t] = Q(x1)
# Convergence condition
t > 1 && abs(Qs[t] - Qs[t-1]) / Qs[t] < Qtol && break
# Gradient of objective function wrt (ρ, v_ρ)
g_t[1] = differentiate(Q, 5)(x1)
g_t[2] = differentiate(Q, 6)(x1)
# First momentum
m .= μ * m + (1 - μ) * g_t
_m_ .= m / (1 - μ^t)
# Second momentum
n .= ν * n + (1 - ν) * g_t .^ 2
_n_ .= n / (1 - ν^t)
# Step
x1[5:6] = x1[5:6] - η * _m_ ./ (sqrt.(_n_) .+ ϵ)
# Update attributable elements
aes[:, t+1] .= AE(x1)
# Projection
aes[5:6, t+1] .= boundary_projection(A, aes[5, t+1], aes[6, t+1])

return aes, Qs

function main()
# Initial time
init_time = now()
# Parse arguments from commandline
parsed_args = parse_commandline()
# Input file
input::String = parsed_args["input"]
# Jet transport order
varorder::Int = parsed_args["varorder"]
# Number of points
N::Int = parsed_args["N"]
# Maximum iterations per points
maxiter::Int = parsed_args["maxiter"]
# Print header
println("`NEOS.adam` evaluation over the admissible region boundary")
println("• Detected ", nworkers(), " worker(s) with ", Threads.nthreads(),
" thread(s) each")
println("• Input file: ", input)
println("• Jet transport order: ", varorder)
println("• Number of points: ", N)
println("• Maximum iterations per point: ", maxiter)

# Read optical astrometry
radec = read_radec_mpc(input)
# Orbit determination parameters
params = NEOParameters(coeffstol = Inf, bwdoffset = 0.007, fwdoffset = 0.007,
adamiter = maxiter)
# Reduce tracklet
tracklet = reduce_tracklets(radec)[1]
# Admissible region
A = AdmissibleRegion(tracklet, params)
# Set jet transport variables
set_variables(Float64, "dx"; order = varorder, numvars = 6)

# Generate N points over the external boundary of A
points = map(t -> arboundary(A, t, :outer, :log), LinRange(0, 3, N))
# Distribute points over workers
Np = round(Int, length(points) / nworkers())
idxs = Iterators.partition(eachindex(points), Np)
points_per_worker = [points[i] for i in idxs]
# Evaluate `NEOs.adam` in each point
result = pmap(points_per_worker) do points
aes = Vector{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, length(points))
Qs = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, length(points))
for i in eachindex(points)
x, v_ρ = points[i]
aes[i], Qs[i] = adam(radec, A, 10^x, v_ρ, params; scale = :log,
adamorder = varorder)
j = findlast(!isinf, Qs[i])
if isnothing(j)
aes[i] = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 0, 0)
Qs[i] = Vector{Float64}(undef, 0)
aes[i] = aes[i][:, 1:j]
Qs[i] = Qs[i][1:j]
filter!(!isempty, aes)
filter!(!isempty, Qs)
return aes, Qs
# Separate attributable elements from Qs
aes = reduce(vcat, first.(result))
Qs = reduce(vcat, last.(result))

# Save results
output = string(radec[1].tmpdesig, "ADAM.jld2")
jldsave(output; aes, Qs)
println("• Output saved to: ", output)
# Final time
final_time = now()
println("• Run started ", init_time, " and finished ", final_time)

return nothing

86 changes: 59 additions & 27 deletions src/orbitdetermination/admissibleregion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -468,63 +468,95 @@ function _geomaxrange(coeffs::Vector{T}) where {T <: Real}

@doc raw"""
arboundary(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, t::S, [boundary::Symbol]) where {T <: Real, S <: Number}
Parametrization of `A`'s boundary. `boundary` chooses
- `:outer` (default) with `t ∈ [0, 3]`, or
- `:inner` with `t ∈ [0, 2]`.
arboundary(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, t::S, [boundary::Symbol,
ρscale::Symbol]) where {T <: Real, S <: Number}
Parametrization of `A`'s
- `:outer` boundary (default) with `t ∈ [0, 3]`, or
- `:inner` boundary with `t ∈ [0, 2]`.
`ρscale` sets the horizontal axis scale to `:linear` (default)
or `:log`.
function arboundary(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, t::S,
boundary::Symbol = :outer) where {T <: Real, S <: Number}
function arboundary(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, t::S, boundary::Symbol = :outer,
ρscale = :linear) where {T <: Real, S <: Number}
if boundary == :outer
return _arhelboundary(A, t)
return _arhelboundary(A, t, ρscale)
elseif boundary == :inner
return _argeoboundary(A, t)
return _argeoboundary(A, t, ρscale)
throw(ArgumentError("Argument `boundary` must be either `:outer` or `:inner`"))

function _arhelboundary(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, t::S) where {T <: Real, S <: Number}
function _arhelboundary(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, t::S,
ρscale::Symbol = :linear) where {T <: Real, S <: Number}
# Parametrization domain
@assert 0.0 <= t <= 3.0
# Lower (upper) bounds
x_min, x_max = A.ρ_domain
if ρscale == :linear
x_min, x_max = A.ρ_domain
elseif ρscale == :log
x_min, x_max = log10.(A.ρ_domain)
throw(ArgumentError("Argument `ρscale` must be either `:linear` or `:log`"))
y_min, y_max = A.v_ρ_domain
# ρ = x_min
if 0.0 <= t <= 1.0
if 0.0 <= t < 1.0
return [x_min, y_min + t * (y_max - y_min)]
# Upper curve
if 1.0 <= t <= 2.0
ρ = x_min + (t-1)*(x_max - x_min)
v_ρ = rangerates(A, ρ, :outer)[end]
if 1.0 <= t < 2.0
x = x_min + (t-1)*(x_max - x_min)
if ρscale == :linear
v_ρ = rangerates(A, x, :outer)[end]
v_ρ = rangerates(A, 10^x, :outer)[end]
# Lower curve
elseif 2.0 <= t <= 3.0
ρ = x_max - (t-2)*(x_max - x_min)
v_ρ = rangerates(A, ρ, :outer)[1]
x = x_max - (t-2)*(x_max - x_min)
if ρscale == :linear
v_ρ = rangerates(A, x, :outer)[1]
v_ρ = rangerates(A, 10^x, :outer)[1]
return [ρ, v_ρ]
return [x, v_ρ]

function _argeoboundary(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, t::S) where {T <: Real, S <: Number}
function _argeoboundary(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, t::S,
ρscale::Symbol = :linear) where {T <: Real, S <: Number}
# Parametrization domain
@assert 0.0 <= t <= 2.0
# Lower (upper) bounds
x_min, x_max = A.ρ_domain[1], _geomaxrange(A.coeffs)
if ρscale == :linear
x_min, x_max = A.ρ_domain[1], _geomaxrange(A.coeffs)
elseif ρscale == :log
x_min, x_max = log10(A.ρ_domain[1]), log10(_geomaxrange(A.coeffs))
throw(ArgumentError("Argument `ρscale` must be either `:linear` or `:log`"))
# Upper curve
if 0.0 <= t <= 1.0
ρ = x_min + t*(x_max - x_min)
v_ρ = rangerates(A, ρ, :inner)[end]
if 0.0 <= t < 1.0
x = x_min + t*(x_max - x_min)
if ρscale == :linear
v_ρ = rangerates(A, x, :inner)[end]
v_ρ = rangerates(A, 10^x, :inner)[end]
# Lower curve
elseif 1.0 <= t <= 2.0
ρ = x_max - (t-1)*(x_max - x_min)
v_ρ = rangerates(A, ρ, :inner)[1]
x = x_max - (t-1)*(x_max - x_min)
if ρscale == :linear
v_ρ = rangerates(A, x, :inner)[1]
v_ρ = rangerates(A, 10^x, :inner)[1]

return [ρ, v_ρ]
return [x, v_ρ]

@doc raw"""
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