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Update scripts/mcmov.jl
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LuEdRaMo committed Dec 8, 2024
1 parent b73f457 commit c434e1b
Showing 1 changed file with 108 additions and 43 deletions.
151 changes: 108 additions & 43 deletions scripts/mcmov.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,20 +22,58 @@ function parse_commandline()
"--input", "-i"
help = "input optical astrometry file"
arg_type = String
"--output", "-o"
help = "output .jld2 file"
arg_type = String
default = "MCMOV.jld2"
"--tracklet", "-t"
help = "initial tracklet"
arg_type = Int
default = 1
"--varorder", "-v"
help = "jet transport order"
arg_type = Int
default = 5
"--Nx", "-x"
"--scale", "-s"
help = "horizontal scale (log / linear)"
arg_type = Symbol
default = :log
"--Qmax", "-q"
help = "maximum allowed nms"
arg_type = Float64
default = 1e10
help = "lower horizontal bound"
arg_type = Float64
default = -Inf
help = "upper horizontal bound"
arg_type = Float64
default = Inf
help = "lower vertical bound"
arg_type = Float64
default = -Inf
help = "upper vertical bound"
arg_type = Float64
default = Inf
help = "number of points in x"
arg_type = Int
default = 100
"--Ny", "-y"
help = "number of points in y"
arg_type = Int
default = 100

s.epilog = """
If the bounds `[xmin, xmax]×[ymin, ymax]` are oimitted, the script will fit
a box to the AR. The horizontal bounds `[xmin, xmax]` must be consistent with

return parse_args(s)

Expand All @@ -46,8 +84,9 @@ end
propres!, nobs, _lsmethods

function mcmov(points::Vector{Tuple{T, T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T},
radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, params::NEOParameters{T},
varorder::Int = 2) where {T <: Real}
radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, bounds::Vector{Float64},
params::NEOParameters{T}, varorder::Int = 2,
scale::Symbol = :log, Qmax::Float64 = 1e10) where {T <: Real}
# Orbit determination problem
od = ODProblem(newtonian!, radec)
# JT variables
Expand All @@ -59,51 +98,56 @@ end
# Scaling factors
scalings = Vector{T}(undef, 6)
scalings[1:4] .= abs.(ae[1:4]) ./ 1e6
x_min, x_max = log10.(A.ρ_domain)
_, y_min = argoldensearch(A, 10^x_min, 10^x_max, :min, :outer, 1e-20)
_, y_max = argoldensearch(A, 10^x_min, 10^x_max, :max, :outer, 1e-20)
scalings[5:6] .= (x_max - x_min) / 100, (y_max - y_min) / 100
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = bounds
scalings[5:6] .= (xmax - xmin) / 100, (ymax - ymin) / 100
# Attributable elements (jet transport)
AE = ae .+ scalings .* dae
# TDB epoch of admissible region
_jd0_ = dtutc2jdtdb(
# Propagation buffer
_buffer_ = PropagationBuffer(od, _jd0_, 1, nobs(od), AE(), params)
buffer = PropagationBuffer(od, _jd0_, 1, nobs(od), AE, params)
# Vector of residuals
_res_ = [zero(OpticalResidual{T, T}) for _ in eachindex(radec)]
res = [zero(OpticalResidual{T, TaylorN{T}}) for _ in eachindex(radec)]
# Origin
x0 = zeros(T, 6)
# Least squares cache and methods
lscache, lsmethods = LeastSquaresCache(x0, 1:4, 10), _lsmethods(res, x0, 1:4)
lscache, lsmethods = LeastSquaresCache(x0, 1:4, 20), _lsmethods(res, x0, 1:4)
# Manifold of variations
mov = Matrix{T}(undef, 13, length(points))
mov = fill(T(Inf), 13, length(points))
# Iterate mov points
for (i, point) in enumerate(points)
# Attributable elements (plain)
ae[5:6] .= point
# Attributable elements (JT)
AE .= ae .+ scalings .* dae
# Topocentric range
AE[5] = 10^AE[5]
if scale == :log
AE[5] = 10^AE[5]
# Barycentric initial conditions (JT)
q = attr2bary(A, AE, params)
# Reference epoch in julian days (corrrected for light-time)
jd0 = _jd0_ - constant_term(AE[5]) / c_au_per_day
# Propagation and residuals
propres!(_res_, od, jd0, q(), params; buffer = _buffer_)
if isempty(_res_)
_res_ = [zero(OpticalResidual{T, T}) for _ in eachindex(radec)]
nms(_res_) > Qmax && continue
propres!(res, od, jd0, q, params; buffer)
# Least squares fit
fit = tryls(res, x0, lscache, lsmethods)
if fit.success
# Objective function
Q = nms(res)
# Save results
mov[1:6, i] .= fit.x
mov[7:10, i] .= ae[1:4] .+ scalings[1:4] .* fit.x[1:4]
mov[11:12, i] .= point
mov[13, i] = Q(fit.x)
mov[:, i] .= T(Inf)
!fit.success && continue
# Objective function
Q = nms(res)
# Save results
mov[1:6, i] .= fit.x
mov[7:10, i] .= ae[1:4] .+ scalings[1:4] .* fit.x[1:4]
mov[11:12, i] .= point
mov[13, i] = Q(fit.x)
# Select successful points
mask = @. !isinf(mov[13, :])
Expand All @@ -117,63 +161,84 @@ function main()
init_time = now()
# Parse arguments from commandline
parsed_args = parse_commandline()
# Input file
input::String = parsed_args["input"]
# Input and output files
input::String, output::String = parsed_args["input"], parsed_args["output"]
# Initial tracklet
idxtrk::Int = parsed_args["tracklet"]
# Jet transport order
varorder::Int = parsed_args["varorder"]
# Horizontal scale
scale::Symbol = Symbol(parsed_args["scale"])
# Maximum allowed nms
Qmax::Float64 = parsed_args["Qmax"]
# Horizontal and vertical bounds
xmin::Float64, xmax::Float64 = parsed_args["xmin"], parsed_args["xmax"]
ymin::Float64, ymax::Float64 = parsed_args["ymin"], parsed_args["ymax"]
# Number of points in x (y)
Nx::Int = parsed_args["Nx"]
Ny::Int = parsed_args["Ny"]
Nx::Int, Ny::Int = parsed_args["Nx"], parsed_args["Ny"]
# Number of workers
Nw = nworkers()
# Print header
println("Manifold of variations computation via Jet Transport Monte Carlo")
println("• Detected ", Nw, " worker(s) with ", Threads.nthreads(), " thread(s) each")
println("• Input file: ", input)
println("• Jet transport order: ", varorder)
println("• Number of points in x (y): ", Nx, " (", Ny, ")")

# Read optical astrometry
radec = read_radec_mpc(input)
# Orbit determination parameters
params = NEOParameters(coeffstol = Inf, bwdoffset = 0.007, fwdoffset = 0.007)
# Reduce tracklet
tracklet = reduce_tracklets(radec)[1]
params = NEOParameters(
coeffstol = Inf, bwdoffset = 0.007, fwdoffset = 0.007, # Propagation
jtlsiter = 20, lsiter = 20, significance = 0.99, # Least squares
# Reduce tracklets
tracklets = reduce_tracklets(radec)
idxtrk = clamp(idxtrk, 1, length(tracklets))
println("• Initial tracklet: ", idxtrk)
# Admissible region
A = AdmissibleRegion(tracklet, params)
A = AdmissibleRegion(tracklets[idxtrk], params)
# Set jet transport variables
set_variables(Float64, "dx"; order = varorder, numvars = 6)
println("• Jet transport order: ", varorder)

# Global box
x_min, x_max = log10.(A.ρ_domain)
_, y_min = argoldensearch(A, A.ρ_domain[1], A.ρ_domain[2], :min, :outer, 1e-20)
_, y_max = argoldensearch(A, A.ρ_domain[1], A.ρ_domain[2], :max, :outer, 1e-20)
println("• Horizontal scale: ", scale)
println("• Maximum allowed nms: ", Qmax)
ρmin, ρmax = A.ρ_domain
if scale == :log
xmin, xmax = max(xmin, log10(ρmin)), min(xmax, log10(ρmax))
elseif scale == :linear
xmin, xmax = max(xmin, ρmin), min(xmax, ρmax)
ymin = max(ymin, argoldensearch(A, ρmin, ρmax, :min, :outer, 1e-20)[2])
ymax = min(ymax, argoldensearch(A, ρmin, ρmax, :max, :outer, 1e-20)[2])
bounds = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
# Grid of domain points
side_x = LinRange(x_min, x_max, Nx)
side_y = LinRange(y_min, y_max, Ny)
side_x = LinRange(xmin, xmax, Nx)
side_y = LinRange(ymin, ymax, Ny)
points = Iterators.product(side_x, side_y)
println("• Number of points in x (y): ", Nx, " (", Ny, ")")
# Distribute domain points over workers
points_per_worker = [Tuple{Float64, Float64}[] for _ in 1:Nw]
k = 1
for point in points
# Check point is inside AR
if !((10^point[1], point[2]) in A)
mask = scale == :log ? ((10^point[1], point[2]) in A) :
((point[1], point[2]) in A)
!mask && continue
# Save point in corresponding worker
push!(points_per_worker[k], point)
k = mod1(k+1, Nw)
Np = sum(length, points_per_worker)
println("", Np, " points in the manifold of variations")
# Manifold of variations
movs = pmap(p -> mcmov(p, A, radec, params, varorder), points_per_worker)
movs = pmap(points_per_worker) do p
return mcmov(p, A, radec, bounds, params, varorder, scale, Qmax)
mov = reduce(hcat, movs)
println("", count(!isnan, view(mov, 13, :)), "/", Np, " points converged")

# Save results
tmpdesig = radec[1].tmpdesig
output = string(tmpdesig, "MCMOV.jld2")
jldsave(output; mov = mov)
println("• Output saved to: ", output)

Expand Down

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