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Incremental radec in TSA
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LuEdRaMo committed Feb 5, 2024
1 parent 62ef4fb commit a13df5a
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Showing 3 changed files with 166 additions and 127 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/orbit_determination/gauss_method.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -495,6 +495,7 @@ function gaussinitcond(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, tracklets::Vector{Tracklet{T}
fit = fit_new
idxs = vcat(idxs, extra)
g_f = k
Expand All @@ -508,6 +509,7 @@ function gaussinitcond(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, tracklets::Vector{Tracklet{T}
fit = fit_new
idxs = vcat(idxs, extra)
g_0 = k
Expand All @@ -520,8 +522,8 @@ function gaussinitcond(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, tracklets::Vector{Tracklet{T}
# Update NRMS and initial conditions
if Q < best_Q
best_Q = Q
best_sol = evalfit(NEOSolution(tracklets, bwd, fwd, res[idxs],
fit, scalings))
best_sol = evalfit(NEOSolution(tracklets[g_0:g_f], bwd, fwd,
res[idxs], fit, scalings))
# Break condition
if Q <= params.Q_max
Expand Down
185 changes: 117 additions & 68 deletions src/orbit_determination/tooshortarc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -346,9 +346,8 @@ function propres(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, jd0::T, q0::Vector{U},

@doc raw"""
adam(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, ρ::T, v_ρ::T,
params::NEOParameters{T}; η::T = 25.0, μ::T = 0.75, ν::T = 0.9,
ϵ::T = 1e-8, Qtol::T = 0.001) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
adam(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, params::NEOParameters{T};
η::T = 25.0, μ::T = 0.75, ν::T = 0.9, ϵ::T = 1e-8, Qtol::T = 0.001) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
Adaptative moment estimation (ADAM) minimizer of normalized mean square
residual over and admissible region `A`.
Expand All @@ -359,9 +358,13 @@ residual over and admissible region `A`.
!!! reference
See Algorithm 1 of
function adam(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, ρ::T, v_ρ::T,
params::NEOParameters{T}; η::T = 25.0, μ::T = 0.75, ν::T = 0.9,
ϵ::T = 1e-8, Qtol::T = 0.001) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
function adam(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, params::NEOParameters{T};
η::T = 25.0, μ::T = 0.75, ν::T = 0.9, ϵ::T = 1e-8, Qtol::T = 0.001) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
# Initial time of integration [julian days]
jd0 = datetime2julian(
# Center
ρ = sum(A.ρ_domain) / 2
v_ρ = sum(A.v_ρ_domain) / 2
# Scaling factors
scalings = [A.ρ_domain[2] - A.ρ_domain[1], A.v_ρ_domain[2] - A.v_ρ_domain[1]] / 1_000
# Jet transport variables
Expand All @@ -385,9 +388,6 @@ function adam(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, ρ::T, v_ρ::T
# Current position in admissible region
ρs[t] = ρ
v_ρs[t] = v_ρ
# Initial time of integration [julian days]
# (corrected for light-time)
jd0 = datetime2julian( - ρ / c_au_per_day
# Current barycentric state vector
q = topo2bary(A, ρ + dq[1], v_ρ + dq[2])
# Propagation and residuals
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,61 +415,134 @@ function adam(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, ρ::T, v_ρ::T
# Find point with smallest Q
t = argmin(Qs)
# Return path
return view(ρs, 1:t), view(v_ρs, 1:t), view(Qs, 1:t)

return T(ρs[t]), T(v_ρs[t]), T(Qs[t])

@doc raw"""
ρminmontecarlo(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T},
params::NEOParameters{T}; N_samples::Int = 25) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
Monte Carlo sampling over the left boundary of `A`.
function ρminmontecarlo(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, A::AdmissibleRegion{T},
params::NEOParameters{T}; N_samples::Int = 25) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
# Initial time of integration [julian days]
jd0 = datetime2julian(
# Range lower bound
ρ = A.ρ_domain[1]
# Sample range rate
v_ρs = LinRange(A.v_ρ_domain[1], A.v_ρ_domain[2], N_samples)
# Allocate memory
Qs = fill(Inf, N_samples)
# Monte Carlo
for i in eachindex(Qs)
# Barycentric initial conditions
q = topo2bary(A, ρ, v_ρs[i])
# Propagation & residuals
_, _, res = propres(radec, jd0, q, params)
iszero(length(res)) && continue
Qs[i] = nrms(res)
# Find solution with smallest Q
t = argmin(Qs)

return T(ρ), T(v_ρs[t]), T(Qs[t])

@doc raw"""
tsals(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, tracklets::Vector{Tracklet{T}},
jd0::T, q0::Vector{T}, params::NEOParameters{T}; maxiter::Int = 5,
Qtol::T = 0.1) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
tsals(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, tracklets::Vector{Tracklet{T}},
i::Int, ρ::T, v_ρ::T, params::NEOParameters{T}; maxiter::Int = 5) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
Used within [`tooshortarc`](@ref) to compute an orbit from a point in an
admissible region via least squares.
!!! warning
This function will set the (global) `TaylorSeries` variables to `δx₁ δx₂ δx₃ δx₄ δx₅ δx₆`.
function tsals(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, tracklets::Vector{Tracklet{T}},
jd0::T, q0::Vector{T}, params::NEOParameters{T}; maxiter::Int = 5,
Qtol::T = 0.1) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
function tsals(A::AdmissibleRegion{T}, radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, tracklets::Vector{Tracklet{T}},
i::Int, ρ::T, v_ρ::T, params::NEOParameters{T}; maxiter::Int = 5) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
# Initial time of integration [julian days]
# (corrected for light-time)
jd0 = datetime2julian( - ρ / c_au_per_day
# Barycentric initial conditions
q0 = topo2bary(A, ρ, v_ρ)
# Scaling factors
scalings = abs.(q0) ./ 10^5
# Jet transport variables
dq = scaled_variables("dx", scalings, order = 6)
# Allocate memory
sols = zeros(NEOSolution{T, T}, maxiter+1)
Qs = fill(T(Inf), maxiter+1)
# Origin
x0 = zeros(T, 6)
# Subset of radec for orbit fit
g_0 = i
g_f = i
idxs = indices(tracklets[i])
# Allocate memory
best_sol = zero(NEOSolution{T, T})
best_Q = T(Inf)
flag = false
# Least squares
for t in 1:maxiter+1
for _ in 1:maxiter+1
# Initial conditions
q = q0 + dq
# Propagation & residuals
bwd, fwd, res = propres(radec, jd0, q, params)
iszero(length(res)) && break
# Least squares fit
fit = tryls(res, x0, params.niter)
# Case: unsuccessful fit
if !fit.success || any(diag(fit.Γ) .< 0)
# Orbit fit
fit = tryls(res[idxs], x0, params.niter)
!fit.success && continue
# Right iteration
for k in g_f+1:length(tracklets)
extra = indices(tracklets[k])
fit_new = tryls(res[idxs extra], x0, params.niter)
if fit_new.success
fit = fit_new
idxs = vcat(idxs, extra)
g_f = k
# Current solution
sols[t] = evalfit(NEOSolution(tracklets, bwd, fwd, res, fit, scalings))
Qs[t] = nrms(sols[t])
# Convergence conditions
if t > 1
Qs[t] > Qs[t-1] && break
abs(Qs[t] - Qs[t-1]) < Qtol && break
# Left iteration
for k in g_0-1:-1:1
extra = indices(tracklets[k])
fit_new = tryls(res[idxs extra], x0, params.niter)
if fit_new.success
fit = fit_new
idxs = vcat(idxs, extra)
g_0 = k
Q = nrms(res, fit)
if length(idxs) == length(radec) && abs(best_Q - Q) < 0.1
flag = true
# Update NRMS and initial conditions
if Q < best_Q
best_Q = Q
best_sol = evalfit(NEOSolution(tracklets[g_0:g_f], bwd, fwd,
res[idxs], fit, scalings))
flag && break
# Update values
q0 = q(fit.x)
# Find solution with smallest Q
t = argmin(Qs)
# Return solution
return sols[t]
# Case: all solutions were unsuccesful
if isinf(best_Q)
return zero(NEOSolution{T, T})
# Case: at least one solution was succesful
return best_sol

# Order in which to check tracklets in tooshortarc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -510,45 +583,21 @@ function tooshortarc(radec::Vector{RadecMPC{T}}, tracklets::Vector{Tracklet{T}},
# Admissible region
A = AdmissibleRegion(tracklets[i], params)
iszero(A) && continue
# Center
ρ = sum(A.ρ_domain) / 2
v_ρ = sum(A.v_ρ_domain) / 2
# Minimization over admissible region
ρs, v_ρs, _ = adam(radec, A, ρ, v_ρ, params)
# Barycentric initial conditions
q0 = topo2bary(A, ρs[end], v_ρs[end])
# Initial time of integration [julian days]
# (corrected for light-time)
jd0 = datetime2julian( - ρs[end] / c_au_per_day
# ADAM minimization over admissible region
ρ, v_ρ, _ = adam(radec, A, params)
# 6 variables least squares
sol = tsals(radec, tracklets, jd0, q0, params; maxiter = 5)
sol = tsals(A, radec, tracklets, i, ρ, v_ρ, params; maxiter = 5)
# Update best solution
if nrms(sol) < nrms(best_sol)
best_sol = sol
# Break condition
nrms(sol) < 1.5 && break
# Heel anomaly
ρ = A.ρ_domain[1]
v_ρs = LinRange(A.v_ρ_domain[1], A.v_ρ_domain[2], 25)
jd0 = datetime2julian( - ρ / c_au_per_day
Qs = fill(Inf, 25)
for i in eachindex(Qs)
# Barycentric initial conditions
q = topo2bary(A, ρ, v_ρs[i])
# Propagation & residuals
_, _, res = propres(radec, jd0, q, params)
iszero(length(res)) && continue
Qs[i] = nrms(res)
# Find solution with smallest Q
t = argmin(Qs)
isinf(Qs[t]) && continue
# Barycentric initial conditions
q0 = topo2bary(A, ρ, v_ρs[t])
# Left boundary Monte Carlo
ρ, v_ρ, Q = ρminmontecarlo(radec, A, params)
isinf(Q) && continue
# 6 variables least squares
sol = tsals(radec, tracklets, jd0, q0, params; maxiter = 5)
sol = tsals(A, radec, tracklets, i, ρ, v_ρ, params; maxiter = 5)
# Update best solution
if nrms(sol) < nrms(best_sol)
best_sol = sol
Expand Down

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