Block software installed and run automatically without permission, waste software shielding and enterprise application setup control tool
As we all know, software rogue promotion is almost everywhere, which is impossible to prevent. If you don't have golden eyes or a little negligence, all kinds of family buckets will definitely drive you crazy. Using this tool, it is forbidden to install rogue software on your computer once and for all, so as to prevent the software from automatically installing on your computer without permission. At the same time, enterprises can control and disable the installation of some enterprise software through this tool. This tool is only available for windows.
By revoking the certificate of the corresponding software in the system and enabling UAC authentication, the tool can prevent the software of an organization from running. The software can be customized and batch shielded through the user-defined image source.
源名称 | 屏蔽说明 | 提供者 | 地域 | URL地址 |
Github直链 | 屏蔽中国大陆地区的一些不受欢迎的软件 | 皮卡丘 | 美国 | 点此访问 |
Coding直链 | 屏蔽中国大陆地区的一些不受欢迎的软件 | 皮卡丘 | 中国大陆 | 暂时没有 |
#屏蔽源# 收录了一些弹窗广告证书
被列为不信任的软件开发商 | 进入此列表的原因 |
重庆重橙 | FlashPlayer中国区推广广告 |
安徽沙巴克 | P2P下载器恶意安装流氓软件 |
160 驱动人生 | 篡改主页,篡改注册表,静默安装推广软件 |
功辉全部软件 | 双核浏览器涉嫌滥用用户隐私 |
上海展盟软件 | 弹窗广告 |
南京晨曦软件 | 静默安装软件 |
万能全部软件 | 静默安装软件 |
2345软件 | 静默安装软件 |
... | ... |
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0