DataProcessing class contains several methods for analyzing precipitation stations
Methods which we can use:
- General information about all stations, maximum and minimum year period
- Showing statistics (mean, max, standart deviation)
- Seeing missing values percentage
- Testing distributions and finding best fitting probablity distibution (normal , lognormal, gamma, loggamma)
- Changing missing values to median of months column
- Choosing stations with minimum year period and percentage of missing values
- Stationarity test
- Homogeneity Tests
5 Homogeneity tests are
- Standard Normal or Ratio test
- Von - Neumann Ratio test
- Cumulative_deviation
- Bayesian_statistic
- Pettit_test
I show all methods with an example in jupyter notebook. More information about the test you can see.
- "Environmental and Hydrological Systems Modelling", A,W,. Jayawardena, CRC PRESS, (2014).
- "Homogeneity analysis of Turkey meteorological data set", Sahin, S., Cigizoglu, H,G., Hydrological Process, (2010).