Task rewarding app for your assessments on day to day life
- XML&Java.
- Firebase.
Download android studio, and API 32 version according to this project is initialized with this in gradle
You should open a firebase project and enable Authentication and realtime-database in order this project to work as you wish. I'll Explain what I can here.
- Will add for you a json file to your project that manages the communication with firebase
- Add some dependencies for the firebase system to work (Such as Authentication as we mentioned earlier)
Some Notes you should keep in mind:
- The authentication works with Email&password (Firebase) after we are sending a payload of data to the database relating to the user.
- You can change whatever you'll like in this project for your purposes.
In order to work with the Real-Time Database (Firebase), We have to change some rules at https://console.firebase.google.com
Realtime Database/Rules: Change all values to true. If you're not going to change that so you will not be able to use this database. (From my research and experience (maybe there's a way))
Should look like this after you're done.
You can just run the code 😃 The code is well-documented with JavaDoc & for any other issues you can Contact me, or read the project book.
Project is: Finished
Created by @Me - feel free to contact me! Gmail