Open Results Data (ORD), part of the Open Data Standard (ODS) initiative curated by Oasis.
ODS should be the standard used for exposure data, result outputs and contract(s) terminology for the (Re)Insurance industry and other interested parties in catastrophe modelling and exposure management across all classes of business.
ODS is curated by Oasis LMF and governed by the Open Data Standards Steering Committee (SC), comprised of industry experts representing (re)insurers, brokers, service providers and catastrophe model vendors.
Further information and community views of ODS can be found on the ODS website:
ORD was initially developed during the Lloyd's Lab innovation project (Cohort 3) in 2019, by a working group led by Oasis, that focussed on constructing model agnostic results formats and appropriate data formats. These model outputs cover an extensive suite of results that can be isolated by aspects of the exposure data, financial and statistical perspectives.
This is a separate repository specifically for the Open Results Data (ORD) standard which will be developed and versioned independently of the Open Exposure Data (OED) standard ( The releases and versioning of ORD will follow the same format as OED using the SemVer convention (, so given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH increments:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible changes e.g. changing column names, changing the structure of the data.
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner e.g. adding a new column with a default value, adding a new allowed value for an existing field.
PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes e.g. correcting a typo in a column label.
All new work will be done in feature branches, following the GitFlow model. The latest released version will be held in the master branch and the current development work will be in develop or specific feature branches.
All details of the ODS governance and signoff process and the role of the ODS Steering Committee can be found on the OED repo (
The content of ODS including the documentation and the schema within both Open Exposure Data (OED) and Open Results Data (ORD) are licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal license. Any code, MS SQL scripts or the development of tools are licensed under BSD 3-clause license.