We are Hiring C++ Contracts Developers! Good payment in cryptocurrency(hourly/mounthly)! Contact: @avral
Documentation: docs.alcor.exchange
With Alcor Exchange you can trade any EOS.IO tokens for system EOS tokens, atomically, without the participation of third parties! The token's contract should comply with the eosio.token standard or be a Simple Assets fungible token.
- Fully-onchain.
- Free CPU program.
- Open Source.
- EOS Mainnet
- Telos
- Proton
Send 3.0000 EOS to eostokensdex with memo: "new_market|0.token_precision token_symbol@token_contract"
Example memo: "new_market|0.00000000 WEED@weedcashnt"
Send the amount you want to sell, and specify the amount you want to get in the memo, the price and market will be automatically determined in the contract.
Memo format(ask token): token_amount token_symbol@token_contract
Example: transfer "0.7000 EOS" to eostokensdex with memo "1000.0000 TKT@eossanguotkt"
Call action cancelsell
or cancelbuy
with parameters:
executor: order owner
executor: avral.pro
market_id: 32
order_id: 3
Orders and markets possible to see at contact tables
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ NETWORK=wax DISABLE_DB=true yarn dev // Run using production API and Wax chain.
# build for production and launch server
$ NETWORK=<eos/jungle/local> yarn run build
$ yarn start
# generate static project
$ yarn run generate
# Docker run:
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p --name mongo -m=3g mongo:4.4 --bind_ip
docker run -it -p 7002:7000 --restart=unless-stopped -d --label=com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.lifecycle.post-check="rm -rf /data/nginx/cache/eostokens && service nginx reload" --label=com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true --name alcor-ui --add-host=host.docker.internal: avral/alcor-ui