SorterPlus is a software which can sort an inserted set of numbers in ascending or descending order using 3 different sorting methods. SorterPlus will provide a step by step visualization of how the sorting is done according to the selected sorting method. Supported sorting methods are,
- Insertion sort
- Selection sort
- Bubble sort
You should have a standard c compiler (e.g.:- Dev C++) installed in your machine.
Download main2.c file and run it. CLI of the software will open up and you are ready to go.
First, there will be a menu (This menu will pop up until you choose to exit from the program) to choose the sorting method (1. Insertion sort 2. Selection sort 3. Bubble sort) and the sorting order (1. Ascending order 2. Descending order).
Then the user can insert their options separated by a space. (e.g.: - If the user wants to perform Insertion sort in ascending order, user can insert 1(space)1. (“1 1”)
Then the user will be asked to input the number of inputs that he/she wants to add. (e.g.: - If the user wants to sort 5 numbers he/she simply can insert 5. (“5”)
Then the user will have to insert the set of numbers he/she wants to sort. (e.g.: - If the user wants to sort 2,8,6,4,1 he/she can insert those numbers. (Hit enter each time you enter a number)
Then the software will output the step by step visualization and the sorted set of numbers as the final output according to the selected sorting method and sorting order.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details