Date Range: 10/16/18 - 11/16/18:
New Issues: 11 (#420, #421, #422, #424, #425, #429, #430, #432, #435, #437, #438)
Closed Issues: 9
- Fixed #384, logs from finalize and initialize scripts should be accessible via web dashboard
- Fixed #418, Standardize calls to Oscli
- Fixed #420, include oscli output with data point log
- Fixed #421, Need to escape some characters in Oscli calls.
- Fixed #424, run data point initialization script after worker_initialization
- Fixed #430, Morris method can create points that dont satisfy boundary
- Fixed #435, Incomplete datapoints are created causing server hang
Accepted Pull Requests: 11
- Fixed #423, Check if R libraries install correctly
- Fixed #426, run data_point initialize scripts only once: at the end of initialize…
- Fixed #427, Oscli output
- Fixed #428, function to encapsulate the platform- and config- specific logic for Oscli calls
- Fixed #431, add boundary checks to make sure solution space is within min/max
- Fixed #434, Algorithm upgrade
- Fixed #436, Restclient retry