1.0.0 (2024-05-23)
improve reading experience for very wide screens
0.1.0-b0 (2024-05-17)
add http response compression
add optional view type support in search
make result list view more configurable
include anchor links in headers of custom pages
improve support for large results
include CHANGELOG in pages
add support for custom pages
add initial support for batch searches
improve sequence visualization
add crude sequence view
include all sub parts as separate dataframe columns
make docker more dev friendly
use aria-label instead of data attribute for annotations
use ramdom secret key when config is missing
Allow user to override port with APP_PORT environment variable
Reintroduce compose file for production, remove aux script
Small convinience script to start the production environment
Make the start script start the production service
Remove production compose file, rename other compose file
improve state management for view select
improve docker production settings
include static files in dockerfile build
remove single gene id search in favor of batch search
ignore empty lines in batch search
adjust naming of content in csv zip file
remove spacing introduced with template move
updated temp logo
tighten up styling and add temporary logo
improve use of pageSize in pagination
adjust spelling mistake in csv-zip content
remove invalid input indicator from search forms
make vendor resources project local
make content styling more consistent
use the correct order of oligo sequence elements
clean up usage of mustache templates
move templates from script to html elements
copy only required system files to container
make original algorithm run standalone and share resources with system
restructure search function
share common base template
clean up code structure
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