Objective of the study: analysis of the potential of the thermal mass of residential buildings for heat demand peak shaving
Case study: a Swedish neighborhood, located in Stockholm
Methodology: co-simulation by means of the zerOBNL (https://github.com/IntegrCiTy/zerobnl)
- Reference scenario (S1)
- Unconstrained thermostat (S1)
- Constained thermostat (S3)
- Improved walls insulation (S4)
- Improved walls insulation - Unconstrained thermostat (S5)
- Improved walls insulation - Constained thermostat (S6)
- clone/download the repository
- follow the zerOBNL installation notes provided at https://github.com/IntegrCiTy/zerobnl
- since a TRNSYS and an EnergyPlus environments are created, make sure that:
- the python package fmipp is installed in your virtual environment (https://pypi.org/project/fmipp/)
- you are able to launch the related co-simulation nodes locally (https://integrcity.github.io/zerobnl/docu.html)
- for each scenario, launch the script Main.ipynb by using the Jupyter notebook (https://jupyter.org/)
- for aggregated results, each scenario folder contains a PostProcess.ipynb script