This is the first 'real' program I wrote! It was in 2016 for Mr. Fitch, who was my chemistry teacher at the time. If you enter the IUPAC nomenclature compliant name of an organic molecule such as ethanol, methane, or octanoic acid, it will tell you the chemical forumla. It is a command line app and does not yet have a GUI.
It can be run using a java compiler. Navigate to the main folder which will be called bioMoleculeApp
and type
java setupbiomolecule.ScannerClass
This will open up a command line prompt and it will tell you the name of the compounds you put in.
NOTE: this has a somewhat limited application as it was only good for chemicals that I knew about from highschool chemistry. So, carboxilic acids, alkynes, etc. If you think it's too limited don't blame me, blame Mr Fitch for not teaching his class how to decode more!