This repository recreates the stock assessment for plaice (Pleuronectes
platessa) in Division 7.e (western English Channel) in R
from WGCSE
2022 - not yet updated for 2023.
The following R packages from CRAN are required to run the assessment:
They can be installed with:
### list with required packages
req_pkgs <- c("TAF")
### install/update packages
Furthermore, the following packages from GitHub are required:
For exact reproducibility, it is recommended to use exactly the same package version as used in the assessment. These package are automatically installed into a local library when running the TAF assessment (see below) or by calling
Alternatively, they can be manually installed from GitHub with
TAF::taf.libPaths() # install packages into local TAF library
remotes::install_github("shfischer/cat3advice", ref = "ad220eb")
The easiest way to run the assessment is to clone or download this repository, navigate into the repository with R and run:
### load the icesTAF package
### load data and install R packages
### run all scripts
This code snippet runs the data compilation and assessment and creates the tables and figures presented in the WG report.