- selenium ( > 4)
- Pytest
- Allure Pytest
- Pytest HTML
- xdist - Run Parallel Execution
- logging - Logging (API lib)
- openpyxl - CSV, Excel
- Faker lib (Fake data generation)
pip install selenium pytest pytest-html allure-pytest
- git add .
- git commit -m "Message"
- git push
- git pull ( if You have added somehting on Github.com)
pip install pytest-xdist pytest -n auto code/8_JAN_2024/test_Lab14.py -s -v
-> Below displayed code will be converted to HTTP request(API) by using w3c protocol
from selenium import webdrivers
def test_open_login(): ##request1
drover = webdriver.Chrome() ##request2 (https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver2/#new-session)
driveer.get("https://google.com") print(driver.title) ##request3
-> Here for all the request there is a POST request to selenium 4 server which creates a new session(Fresh browser) https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver2/#new-session
- Import the logging module
- create pytest.ini
- call LOGGER = logging.getLogger(name)
- In the code - LOGGER.info(driver.title)
- pytest test_vwo.py -s -v