A new EBS volume type, GP3, is available in AWS. GP3 offers up to 20% better pricing than previous GP2 Volumes. There are no configurations where a GP2 volume is more cost effective than a GP3. Updating can be done in place with no down time so there is no reason to wait to switch.
Understanding Throughtput and IOPs
Volume Size | Throughput |
< 170 GBs | 128 MB/s |
> 170 GBs | 250 MB/s |
Volume Size | IOPs |
< 100 GBs | 100 IOPs (temporarily up to 3000 IOPs when using burst credits) |
> 100 GBs | 3 * GB Size of Volume |
Using python3 run the following two files. The first file will output myConversionFile.csv in the current working directory. The conversion file is a CSV that converts current gp2 usage to gp3. You can directly adjust the IOPs and throughtput you would like to use by editing the csv.
python3 createListOfGP2VolumesToConvert.py
python3 convertVolumesToGP3.py --conversionFile myConversionFile.csv
Three threads run in convert volumes
- modify_volume - runs the request to convert the volume
- describe_volume_modifications - describes all volumes modifications every ten seconds. Notifies sepearate threads to check on their modification progress
- monitor_volume_modification_progress - checks the progress for when the volume is fully available. AWS switches the volume over to gp3 within 10-20 seconds, but it takes up to 30 minutes to "optimize" the volume. Volume progress seems to only have 3 values as well 0%, 99%, and 100%
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