link: (Not the official RubyJax website)
This repository was repurposed from the Paris.rb website And is part of my brainstorming toward what to incorporate into the RubyJax website. My current purpose in building the RubyJax website is to learn Rails and make the program a learning experience for future rubyists attending the meetup.
Learned so far:
(1) config/local/, allowing a website to be written into different languages.
(2) Heroku addons. Redis to Go must be added via the resources tab due to Project dependency.
- brew install postgresql
- brew install redis
- brew install mysql
- brew services start postgresql
- brew services start redis
- brew services start mysql
- install rvm and rails through ... rvm website.
rvm install 2.3.3
- git clone thisreponame
cd *thisreponame*
bundle install
- rails s
- brew install heroku
- heroku login
- heroku create
- git push heroku master
- heroku rake db:migrate
- need to add Redis To Go add on via heroku dashboard. -> yourappname -> ResourcesTab -> find_more_addons -> install Redis To Go
- git commit --amend
- git push heroku master --force-with-lease