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A modified clearpath_simulator from Clearpath Robotics that is compatible with ROS 2 Jazzy and Gazebo Harmonic


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Clearpath Simulator in Gazebo Harmonic 🔥

This is a modified version of clearpath_simulator Version 0.34 from Clearpath Robotics that uses Gazebo 8 (Harmonic) as its primary simulator. Installation, how to use guide and some helpful resources are given below.


✋ If you plan on using a Xbox One/Xbox 360 controller, check How to install and use Xbox One Controller under the Useful Resources section.

✋ All tutorials in thie repository assumes you can send TwistStamped commands either through a controller or from keyboard or using rqt_joystick.

❗ Please note all the original packages from clearpath_simulator v0.3 have been modified for ROS 2 Jazzy and Gazebo Harmonic compatiblity. Hence, only my forks of those packages is known to work at this time.

Supported Features and Compatibility

  • ✅ Ubuntu 22.04 (via source build) and Ubuntu 24.04 (via debian packages)
  • ✅ Compatible with Gazebo Harmonic and ROS 2 Jazzy
  • ✅ Xbox One S controller support
  • ✅ Automatic conversion between Twist and TwistStamped messages
  • ✅ Custom names for robot.yaml configuration scripts.
  • ✅ Asus Xtion simulated RGB-D camera
  • ✅ Intel Realsense simulated RGB-D camera

Unsupported Features

  • ❌ PointCloud from RGBD cameras

Supported robots

  • ✅ A200 Husky


This simulator depends on the following packages

TODOs: Next release v0.2

  • :white_large_square Add
  • ✅ RGB-D sensor support.
  • :white_large_square Rviz visualization
  • :white_large_square Add the outdoor.sdf world

TODOs: Upcoming release v0.3

  • :white_large_square Add support for multi-robot simulation

Future features

  • ⬜ 2D LiDAR Sensor
  • ⬜ 3D LiDAR Sensor
  • ⬜ SLAM example to save a map
  • ⬜ Nav2 MPPI controller example
  • ⬜ Multi-robot example

Call for Contribution

  • cpr_gazebo contains a number of custom repository worlds from Clearpath Robotics but modifying them to be compatible with Harmonic will take some time and effort. If you are interested to helping out with modifying these works and contributing to this project in general, please don't hestiate to reaching out to me.

Installation (Ubuntu 24.04)

cd ~
git clone
mkdir ~/clearpath_simulator_harmonic_ws/
cd ~/clearpath_simulator_harmonic/
vcs import src < clearpath_sim.repos --recursive
rosdep install -r --from-paths src --rosdistro jazzy -i -y
sudo apt install ros-jazzy-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp
source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-w"

Installation (Ubuntu 22.04)

Click to expand - If you are using Ubuntu 22.04, and had previously used ROS 2 Humble, you need to first ensure that the ROS 2 Humble global workspace is not sourced. The first step is to just comment out ```source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash``` from ```.bashrc``` file.
  • [Optional] step: Remove /opt/ros/humble from global PATH variable.
echo $PATH # check /opt/ros/humble is included in the PATH variable
export PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | grep -v "/opt/ros/humble" | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/:$//')
  • WARNING!! in the event the above doesn't work, the easiest thing to do is to remove ROS 2 Humble binaries from system-level using sudo apt remove ros-humble*. Please note, if you need to use ROS 2 Humble again, you would need to reinstall the binaries or build ROS 2 humble from source.

Install Prerequisits

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-tk libyaml-cpp-dev joystick
pip3 install numpy catkin_pkg empy lark jinja2 typeguard pyyaml 

Build and Install this workspace

Build and install the following workspaces in sequence. Will take about ~1 hour and ~35-40 GB disk space

cd ~
git clone
cd clearpath_simulator_harmonic/
vcs import src < clearpath_sim.repos --recursive
rosdep install -r --from-paths src --rosdistro jazzy -i -y
source ~/ubuntu22_jazzy_ws/install/setup.bash
source ~/gazebo_harmonic_ws/install/setup.bash
source ~/moveit2_nav2_jazzy_ws/install/setup.bash
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-w"


Ubuntu 22.04 (Source build)

- In a new terminal, source all workspaces in the following sequence
source ~/ubuntu22_jazzy_ws/install/setup.bash
source ~/gazebo_harmonic_ws/install/setup.bash
source ~/moveit2_nav2_jazzy_ws/install/setup.bash
source ~/clearpath_simulator_harmonic/install/setup.bash

Ubuntu 24.04 (global workspace)

source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash
source ~/clearpath_simulator_harmonic/install/setup.bash

Update udev rules [OPTIONAL]

* Recreate symlink and reload udev rules. This example is for xbox but the same rule applies for PS4 / PS5 controllers
sudo ln -s /dev/input/js2 /dev/input/xbox
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
ls -l /dev/input/xbox

Launch simulation

ros2 launch clearpath_gz robot_config_yaml:=husky_a200_sample.yaml
  • Test robot's movement with a TwistStamped message
ros2 topic pub /a200_0000/platform_velocity_controller/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/TwistStamped "{header: {stamp: {sec: 0, nanosec: 0}, frame_id: 'base_link'}, twist: {linear: {x: 1.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.5}}}"
  • If the robot moves, then all controller configurations have been setup correctly, now we can use a gamepad to control the robot

  • Launch the warehouse_cpr world that brings in a A200 Husky robot

ros2 launch clearpath_gz robot_config_yaml:=husky_a200_sample.yaml world:=warehouse_cpr
  • Teleop with gamepad
    • Press and Hold LB to enable teleop
    • Press and Hold RB to enable faster movement
    • Analog stick 1 controls both linear and angular velocities

Useful Resources

Click to expand

Websites and materials

Basics of Gazebo topic CLI

- To list all published topic ```gz topic -l``` - To echo a gz topic: ```gz topic -e --topic /model/a200_0000/robot/cmd_vel```

Some notes on this software stack

- Joystick nodes are launched from the ```clearpath_common/clearpath_control/``` file
  • To find out where ros2_control, gazebo plugins and ros_gz_bridge elements of A200 Husky robots are defined, start looking into clearpath_common/clearpath_platform_description/urdf/a200. The same is true for the other supported robots

  • is responsible for writing the robot.urdf.xacro which is later on read by the file in clearpath_gz package.

How to install and use Xbox One Controller [OPTIONAL]

The following instructions are valid for a Xbox One game controller and Ubuntu 22.04 / 24/04.
  • Ensure dkms, bluez and xpadneo drivers are installed. Bu default dkms and linux headers will be installed in Ubuntu 22.04. Install bluez: sudo apt-get install bluez

  • Install xpadneo

cd ~Downloads/
git clone
cd ~xpandneo/
sudo ./
  • Pair a Xbox controller, follow the steps shown below
alt text
  • Clone joy_tester library and build it
cd ~/clearpath_simulator_harmonic_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select joy_tester
source ./install/setup.bash
  • Then launch the joy_tester package to test if all the buttons are working properly.

  • In one terminal, run the teleop_twist_joy

ros2 launch teleop_twist_joy joy_config:='xbox'
  • In the other terminal run the test_joy
source ~/clearpath_simulator_harmonic_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run joy_tester test_joy
  • If successfull you should see something like the following
alt text
  • Now identify which jsx represents the connected gamepad. First find out how many jsx device nodes are there
ls /dev/input/js*
  • Test each node until you find the one that reacts with a button press. In my case it was js2 node
jstest /dev/input/js2
  • Now create a symbolic link between this node and /dev/input/xbox and create udev rule

    • Create symbolic links and udev rule: sudo ln -s /dev/input/js2 /dev/input/xbox
    • Identify unique properties:
    udevadm info -a -n /dev/input/js2 | grep -E 'ATTRS{idVendor}|ATTRS{idProduct}|ATTRS{name}'
    An **example** is shown below, DO NOT COPY THESE
      ATTRS{name}=="Xbox Wireless Controller"
    • Create udev rule file: sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-xbox-controller.rules and copy these attributes (after filling them out wiht idVendor and idProduct unique to your controller)
    SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="js[0-9]*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="05e3", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0002", SYMLINK+="input/xbox"

    Make sure to change with actual values

    • Reload Udev rules and trigger
      sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
      sudo udevadm trigger
    • Verify simlink: ls -l /dev/input/xbox you should see something like this
    alt text

If gzserver does not stop automatically after killing simulation

Originally discussed [here](ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs#751). This leads to error messages stating
[spawner-15] [WARN] [1734830398.851778889] [a200_0000.spawner_platform_velocity_controller]: Controller already loaded, skipping load_controller
[spawner-15] [ERROR] [1734830398.854877834] [a200_0000.spawner_platform_velocity_controller]: Failed to configure controller
[spawner-14] [WARN] [1734830398.862552805] [a200_0000.spawner_joint_state_broadcaster]: Controller already loaded, skipping load_controller
[spawner-14] [ERROR] [1734830398.865012741] [a200_0000.spawner_joint_state_broadcaster]: Failed to configure controller

Try the following commands

ps aux | grep gzserver 
pgrep gzserver
tigerwi+   <#PID>  0.0  0.0   9708  2560 pts/1    S+   19:17   0:00 grep --color=auto gzserver
kill -2 <#PID>
killall gzserver
killall -9 gzserver


A modified clearpath_simulator from Clearpath Robotics that is compatible with ROS 2 Jazzy and Gazebo Harmonic







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