## [1] '0.0.21'
The example runs the differential expression analysis using the HER2 dataset ( whose data is included in the Mass Dynamics MassExpression R package. The differential expression results are then used as input for the enrichment step.
intensities <- mq_lfq_data$intensities
design <- mq_lfq_data$design
parameters <- mq_lfq_data$parameters
normalisation_method <- parameters[parameters[,1] == "UseNormalisationMethod",2]
species <- parameters[parameters[,1] == "Species",2]
labellingMethod <- parameters[parameters[,1] == "LabellingMethod",2]
results <- runGenericDiscovery(experimentDesign = design,
proteinIntensities = intensities,
normalisationMethod = normalisation_method,
species = species,
labellingMethod = labellingMethod)
## [1] "Sanitize import..."
## [1] "Starting generic discovery..."
## [1] "Starting pre-processing"
## [1] "Starting DE with limma..."
## [1] "Limma analysis completed. Creating output summarized experiment..."
## [1] "Workflow completed."
# Save results
IntensityExperiment <- results$IntensityExperiment
CompleteIntensityExperiment <- results$CompleteIntensityExperiment
longIntensityDT <- results$longIntensityDT
saveOutput(IntensityExperiment = IntensityExperiment,
CompleteIntensityExperiment = CompleteIntensityExperiment,
longIntensityDT = longIntensityDT,
outputFolder = "example_data/testDE")
## [1] "AZD8931_resistant_SKBR3_AZDRc - Parental_SKBR3"
## [1] "example_data/testDE"
## No list columns are present. Setting sep2='' otherwise quote='auto' would quote fields containing sep2.
## Column writers: 12 2 2 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3
## args.doRowNames=0 args.rowNames=0 doQuote=0 args.nrow=1835 args.ncol=27 eolLen=1
## maxLineLen=1100. Found in 0.000s
## Writing bom (false), yaml (0 characters) and column names (true) ... done in 0.000s
## Writing 1835 rows in 1 batches of 1835 rows (each buffer size 8MB, showProgress=1, nth=1)
## No list columns are present. Setting sep2='' otherwise quote='auto' would quote fields containing sep2.
## Column writers: 12 12 5 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 12 12
## args.doRowNames=0 args.rowNames=0 doQuote=0 args.nrow=11010 args.ncol=13 eolLen=1
## maxLineLen=574. Found in 0.000s
## Writing bom (false), yaml (0 characters) and column names (true) ... done in 0.000s
## Writing 11010 rows in 1 batches of 11010 rows (each buffer size 8MB, showProgress=1, nth=1)
As an example, the GMT file for Human Gene Ontologies, used in in the
Mass Dynamics enrichment service, is added to this repository in folder
gmt_folder <- "example_data/9606-Human"
results = runEnrichmentWorkflowStep(uploadFolder = "example_data/testDE",
gmtFolder = gmt_folder,
outputFolder = "example_data/testEnrichment",
by = "Protein",
method = "camera")
## [1] "Found Discovery Data Export. Loading data"
## [1] "Running enrichment for comparison: AZD8931_resistant_SKBR3_AZDRc - Parental_SKBR3"
## [1] "example_data/9606-Human/BiologicalProcess.gmt"
## [1] "Sets in Library: 12401"
## [1] "Genes in Library: 17648"
## [1] "Genes in Library and dataset: 1624"
## [1] "Running CAMERA using native code"
## [1] "gene.set" "pval" "adj.pval" "observed"
## [1] "gene.set" "pval" "adj.pval" "observed" "items" "afc"
## [1] "Using set info file: BiologicalProcess_set_info.csv"
## [1] "Write results for comparison: AZD8931_resistant_SKBR3_AZDRc - Parental_SKBR3"
## [1] "Inside for:AZD8931_resistant_SKBR3_AZDRc - Parental_SKBR3"
## [1] "AZD8931_resistant_SKBR3_AZDRc___Parental_SKBR3_BiologicalProcess.json"
is a list of lists containing the results. Each entry of the
list contains the enrichment results for one pairwise
- Pairwise comparisons tested
## [1] "AZD8931_resistant_SKBR3_AZDRc - Parental_SKBR3"
- Gene sets tested
## [1] "BiologicalProcess"
- Enrichment results for GO Biological Processes
head(results[[1]]$libraryStatistics$BiologicalProcess)[,c("gene.set", "afc","pval", "adj.pval", "observed", "name")]
## gene.set afc pval adj.pval observed
## 1 GO:0000002 -2.03259529 0.23649450 0.6791797 2
## 2 GO:0000012 -2.16108849 0.44123045 0.7601322 1
## 3 GO:0000018 -1.24869166 0.41861457 0.7435327 1
## 4 GO:0000027 -0.20249961 0.13004228 0.6632280 13
## 5 GO:0000028 -0.01337251 0.05133899 0.6435487 7
## 6 GO:0000038 -3.18791546 0.10808527 0.6474588 3
## name
## 1 mitochondrial genome maintenance
## 2 single strand break repair
## 3 regulation of DNA recombination
## 4 ribosomal large subunit assembly
## 5 ribosomal small subunit assembly
## 6 very long-chain fatty acid metabolic process
This results are the same obtained in the HER2 demo experiment in the Mass Dynamics platform.
results_df <- results[[1]]$libraryStatistics$BiologicalProcess
ggplot(results_df, aes(x = afc, y = -log10(pval))) + geom_point() + theme_bw() +
geom_text_repel(data = results_df[-log10(results_df$pval) > 4.7, ], aes(x = afc, y = -log10(pval), label = name)) +
ggtitle("Biological Processes")