To compile, go to the source directory and invoke the following 2 commands:
3ddose_tools/source> qmake
3ddose_tools/source> make
and an executable should appear in the parent directory.
If you don't have Qt5 installed, then you will need to do it manually, or through a package manager (like apt-get in Ubuntu). Here's an Ubuntu example:
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools
Navigate to the directory you intend to install in, and invoke the following commands:
> git clone
> cd 3ddose_tools/source/
3ddose_tools/source> qmake
3ddose_tools/source> make
3ddose_tools/source> cd ..
3ddose_tools> ./3ddose_tools
and you should launch 3ddose_tools.