Added 🚀
Display the CodeCharta logo next to the MaibornWolff logo #3226
Tooltip for primary and secondary metrics that displays AttributeDescriptor information in the sidebar #3239
Supports adding note to a custom view, provides a preview and an edit option for notes from the selection menu #3234
The Suspicious metrics and Risk profile Feature is now also available outside the Experimental Feature Mode #2963
Made the background color a bit lighter #3226
Saturate the distribution bar colors #3226
Improve the layout of all metric menus #3226
Improve the layout of the global configuration dialog #3226
Improve the layout of the metric chooser panel #3226
Change the primary color to match the color of the CodeCharta logo #3226
Improve the docs for suspicious metrics and risk profile feature #3238
Improve Custom Views Dialog #3238
Fixed 🐞
Unselecting a folder in Presentation Mode leads to console error #3215
Fix Shrunken FileExplorer's file list on small displays #3235
Fix various margin problems in the UI #3226
Fix bumpy animations when moving/turning the map, hover buildings (showing labels and edges) #3244
Chore 👨💻 👩💻
Upgrade all material UI components to MDC (not using the UI legacy components any more) #3226
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