Added 🚀
Add description and documentation to Custom View modal #3085
Add a new button that links the height metric to the color metric so that the colour metric is automatically set to
the selected height metric #3058
Fixed 🐞
Fix interactive GitLogParser using wrong dialogue with repo-scan subcommand #3073
Fix CodeCharta Analysis container exiting when detached #3062
Fix CodeCharta Analysis container not coming with the sonar-scanner pre-installed #3062
Rerender immediately after marking a folder with a color #3067
Clicking the 'reset height metric settings' button resets the number of top labels to the dynamic default value #3066
Unfocus nodes when changing selected files, which prevents the app from crashing #3072
Chore 👨💻 👩💻
Update Docker Publish Action in Release Pipeline #3060
Write documentation for docker containers #3063
Migrate isAttributeSideBarVisible.service, threeScene.service, threeCamera.service and threeStats.service to Angular #3068
Migrate dialog.service to Angular #3070
Migrate FocusedNodePathService, LayoutAlgorithmService, ThreeOrbitControlsService and ThreeViewerService to Angular #3072
Migrate updateAttributeTypes.service to Angular #3082
You can’t perform that action at this time.