This robot is combine car with arm.
navigation and avoid obstacles by ros move base
roslaunch thurobot thurobot_laser_nav_gazabo.launch
roslaunch thurobot nav_cloister_demo_sim.launch
roslaunch thurobot thurobot_teleop.launch
roslaunch thurobot thurobot_laser_nav_gazabo.launch
roslaunch thurobot exploring_slam_demo.launch
rosrun thurobot
roslaunch thurobot bringup.launch
You need to change linear_scale parameter in bringup.launch file.(I set as 1.0)
roslaunch auboi5_moveit_config demo.launch sim:=true
Then select "Interact" and move the end-effector to a new goal.
In "Motion Planning" -> "Plan and Execute" to send trajectory to the sim robot
Exit RViz and Ctrl-C the demo.launch window
roslaunch thurobot bringup.launch
- 设置串口属性,波特率
- 进入循环,执行SerialClient任务,接收并转发单片机发送的数据
src/imu_calib/src/accl_calib/apply_calib_node.cpp --apply_calib.cpp
roslaunch teleop_twist_keyboard
roslaunch thurobot lidar_slam.launch
roslaunch thurobot navigate_multi.launch
roslaunch thurobot auto_slam.launch