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Editing the Config file

Lauriethefish edited this page Mar 15, 2021 · 9 revisions

In this page, you'll see more detailed descriptions of what each item in the config file does, and how/why to change it. To test changes to the config without restarting the server, just run /bp reload (some changes may require a relog)

Portal Effect Size

portalEffectSizeXZ specifies the radius on the X and Z that blocks on the other side of the portal will be copied in.

portalEffectSizeY is the same, but for the Y axis.

You should be cautious when editing these values, not just because of server lag, but also because of client lag. Walking around portals with huge render distances will cause lag in most clients. In my experience, more than just a doubling of the default values (13 and 7), causes a lot of lag.

World Connections

The worldConnections section of the config specifies which worlds are connected by portals. By default, this links world and world_nether.

You will need to change this if you want nether portals in a multiverse dimension, or you have changed the default world name from world to something else.

You can also change the scaling between the nether and the overworld to your liking. For instance, instead of 1 nether block = 8 in the overworld, you could make it 1 -> 4.

    originWorld: 'world'
    destinationWorld: 'world_nether'
    minSpawnY: 5
    maxSpawnY: 122
    coordinateRescalingFactor: 0.125
    originWorld: 'world_nether'
    destinationWorld: 'world'
    minSpawnY: 5
    maxSpawnY: 250
    coordinateRescalingFactor: 8.0

Above is the default world connections. There are 2 items in the list, one connecting the overworld to the nether, and one connecting the nether to the overworld.

The coordinate rescaling factor is what the X and Z of coordinates are multiplied by when spawning portals between dimensions. So from the nether to the overworld, coordinates are multiplied by 8, and from the overworld to the nether, coordinates are divided by 8.

The min/max Y specifies the area that portals can spawn in (this stops portals spawning above the nether roof in the nether.)

Here's an example of the world connections that have been edited to add a second nether and overworld:

You must make sure that you don't duplicate any numbers for each list item. Each number MUST be unique.

    originWorld: 'world'
    destinationWorld: 'world_nether'
    minSpawnY: 5
    maxSpawnY: 122
    coordinateRescalingFactor: 0.125
    originWorld: 'world_nether'
    destinationWorld: 'world'
    minSpawnY: 5
    maxSpawnY: 250
    coordinateRescalingFactor: 8.0
    originWorld: 'second'
    destinationWorld: 'second_nether'
    minSpawnY: 5
    maxSpawnY: 122
    coordinateRescalingFactor: 0.125
    originWorld: 'second_nether'
    destinationWorld: 'second'
    minSpawnY: 5
    maxSpawnY: 250
    coordinateRescalingFactor: 8.0

Chat Messages

Here you can change all of the messages and errors that the plugin sends, as well as its prefix in chat. Error messages automatically have their color changed to red, no need to do this yourself.

Some of these are warning messages that are displayed in-game, such as walking into vanilla nether portals or attempting to light a portal in an unlinked world. You can turn these off by removing all of the text inside the quotes

Use the & symbol to select colors.

Dimension Blend

This creates a cool effect of the nether "glitching" into the overworld around a portal when you light it. Here's an example

To turn it on, just set enable to true. You can increase/decrease the fallOffRate to make the area of copied blocks smaller/bigger.

Other Options

Most of these are self explanatory, but I'll explain them anyway

disabledWorlds are worlds where the plugin will not intervene with portals at all, and will fall back to the vanilla logic

maxPortalSize specifies the maximum size that a lit portal can be. (Any portals larger than this that are lit won't get activated)

portalCollisionBox is a technical parameter used by the plugin to specify where blocks are rendered. I don't recommend editing this unless you know what you're doing.

minimumPortalSpawnDistance specifies how close portals will spawn to one another. This is to avoid spawned portals intersecting with each other.

hidePortalBlocks setting this to true will hide the portal blocks of nether portals, which makes it easier to see through. It does also sometimes make the block projections less convincing however.

enableEntitySupport changing this to false will stop entities being visible through portals, and will also stop entities being hidden if they shouldn't be visible.

entityCheckInterval controls how often the plugin checks for entities around the origin and destination of the portal (in ticks)

portalActivationDistance controls how close a player has to be to a portal for it to show the blocks and entities on the other side.

portalBlockUpdateInterval specifies how often the portal will check for the blocks around it and send them to another thread for processing.

portalWandName sets the name of the wand given to players with /bp wand. (NOTE: The name of existing wands will not be changed)