Location: Study office, Lurke Street, Flat 2 - Bedford, MK40 3FJ
- All participants should have a GiHub account. You can create an account using this [link] (https://github.com/). Please register with your university email
- This tutorial will make sure of [git] (https://git-scm.com/) and [GitKraken] (https://www.gitkraken.com/). Please install these two pieces of software.
- italic text: this is in italic
- bold text: this is in bold
- strikethrough:
code blocks
Here i can write as much code as I like
and it will be covered by a light colour to
separate blocks of code
- inline
this only highlights one word - We've already used [links to another page enter name of the page here] (http://www.google.com)
Adding a photo:
![] (G:\My Drive\PostDoc\Documents\image of me\Laia_picture.jpg) it doesn't work because it has to be an url or a path