The goal is to force a convolutional NN to classify an object into a specific class. Genetic algorithm is used to perform the search for noise that has to be applied to the image to make the model classify it with a specific label.
The following image demonstrates the change in the predicted label by the CNN model after adding pertrubations to certain pixels:
A simple CNN was trained on the Fashion MNIST dataset to classify the images into 10 classes. The model is used as a black box. It consists 622 thousand trainable parameters. It reached 90% accuracy on the test split of the dataset.
- The algorithm is inspired by the POBA-GA paper [1]
- The implementation PyGad library's implementation of the genetic algorithm was used.
- Only a subset of 100 dataset images is used to find the target pattern due to computational complexity.
- The population consists of a set of 2D images containing the changes (noise) that are added to the training images in the fitness function
- Fitness function: Fitness = 1 / (loss + α * perturbation_size)
[1] J. Chen, M. Su, S. Shen, H. Xiong, and H. Zheng. POBA-GA: perturbation optimized black-box adversarial attacks via genetic algorithm. CoRR, abs/1906.03181, 2019. URL
The results of the experiments can be found in the slides or the report.
Prepare environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate evo
pip install pygad
Export path to the project root directory:
python3 src/experiments/
python3 src/experiments/