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Konrad1991 committed Dec 5, 2023
1 parent 1cb6ade commit 4a4d703
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Showing 2 changed files with 1 addition and 347 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/compiling.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ compiler_a2a <- function(f, verbose, reference, R_fct, desired_type, return_type
fct_ret <- NULL

if (R_fct == FALSE) {
fct <- buildFctXPtr(f, reference, desired_type, return_type, name_f)
fct <- buildFctXPtr(f, reference, desired_type, return_type, name_f) # issue: reference == borrow has to be documented
if (getsource == TRUE) {
Expand Down
346 changes: 0 additions & 346 deletions R/mainclass.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,352 +44,6 @@ String <- function(value) {
new("String", value = value)

MA <- R6::R6Class("MA",
public = list(
R_fct = NULL,
name = NULL,
args = NULL,
args_2_fct = NULL,
body = NULL,
desired_type = NULL,
temp = list(),
ast = list(),
code = list(),
char = list(),
var_all = c(),
var_types = c(),
var_index = c(),
return_TF = c(),
return_valtype = c(),
initialize = function(fct, desired_type, name_f, R_fct, return_valtype) {
self$name <- name_f # as.character(substitute(fct))
self$args <- methods::formalArgs(fct)
self$body <- body(fct)
self$body <- self$body[2:length(self$body)]
self$desired_type <- desired_type
self$args_2_fct <- methods::formalArgs(fct) # as.list(args(fct))
self$R_fct <- R_fct
self$return_valtype <- return_valtype
getast = function() {
for (i in seq_along(self$body)) {
# convert ast R --> ETR
self$temp[[i]] <- LC$new(self$body[[i]], self$R_fct)
self$ast[[i]] <- self$temp[[i]]$ast
# get vars
self$var_all <- c(self$var_all, self$temp[[i]]$vars)
self$var_index <- c(self$var_index, self$temp[[i]]$index_vars)

# return was found?
self$return_TF <- c(self$return_TF, self$temp[[i]]$found_return)
if (any(self$return_TF == TRUE)) self$return_TF <- TRUE else self$return_TF <- FALSE
get_calls = function(code) {
out <- purrr::map_if(code, is.list, self$get_calls)
out <-
ast2call = function() {
for (i in seq_along(self$ast)) {
self$code[[i]] <- self$get_calls(self$ast[[i]])
call2char = function() {
j <- 1
for (i in seq_along(self$code)) {
temp <- deparse(self$code[[i]], width.cutoff = 500)
temp <- gsub("\\bin\\b", "", temp)
temp <- gsub("`", "", temp)
temp <- paste0(temp, ";")

# loop over temp
temp2 <- character(length(temp) * 2)
counter <- 1
for (i in seq_along(temp)) {
temp2[counter] <- temp[i]
counter <- counter + 1
temp2[counter] <- "\n"
counter <- counter + 1
temp <- temp2

self$char[[j]] <- temp
j <- j + 1
#self$char[[j]] <- "\n"
#j <- j + 1
get_vars = function() {
temp1 <- unique(self$var_all)
temp2 <- unique(self$var_index)

# remove index variables
# necessary in order to remove i and auto$i:
temp3 <- list()
for (i in seq_along(temp2)) {
tm <- gsub("auto&", "", temp2[[i]])

tm <- gsub(":", "", tm)
temp3[[i]] <- tm

temp2 <- c(temp2, unlist(temp3))

for (i in seq_along(temp1)) {
for (j in seq_along(temp2)) {
if (temp1[[i]] == temp2[[j]]) {
temp1[[i]] <- NA

temp1 <- temp1[!]

# remove arguments passed to fct
for (i in seq_along(temp1)) {
for (j in seq_along(self$args)) {
if (temp1[[i]] == self$args[[j]]) {
temp1[[i]] <- NA

temp1 <- temp1[!]

# remove true and false
for (i in seq_along(temp1)) {
if (temp1[[i]] =="true") || temp1[[i]] =="false")) {
temp1[[i]] <- NA

ret <- temp1[!]

self$var_types <- vector("list", length = length(ret))
self$var_types <- lapply(self$var_types, function(x) {

# check for doubles
for (i in seq_along(ret)) {
nm <- as.character(ret[[i]])
nm <- unlist(strsplit(nm, ""))
if (length(nm) >= 4) {
if ((nm[[length(nm)]] == "b") && (nm[[length(nm) - 1]] == "d") &&
(nm[[length(nm) - 2]] == "_")) {
self$var_types[[i]] <- "double"

signature_own = function(desired_type, reference, extern = FALSE, typedef = FALSE) {
# arguments passed to f & define signature

arguments_string <- character(length(self$args))

for (i in seq_along(self$args)) {
y <- paste0(self$args[[i]])
type <- NULL
type_name <- NULL
temp <- NULL
if (reference) {
type <- paste0(desired_type[i], "&")
type_name <- desired_type[i]
} else {
type <- desired_type[i]
type_name <- desired_type[i]

if (desired_type[i] == "ptr_vec") {
if (reference == TRUE) {
stop("Reference cannot be set to TRUE in combination with ptr_vec or ptr_mat")

temp <- paste("double*", paste0(y, "_double_ptr"), ",",
"int", paste0(y, "_int_size"), ",",
collapse = ""
if (i == length(self$args)) {
temp <- paste("double*", paste0(y, "_double_ptr"), ",",
"int", paste0(y, "_int_size"),
collapse = ""
} else if (desired_type[i] == "ptr_mat") {
if (reference == TRUE) {
stop("Reference cannot be set to TRUE in combination with ptr_vec or ptr_mat")
temp <- paste("double*", paste0(y, "_double_ptr"), ",",
"int", paste0(y, "_int_rows"), ",",
"int", paste0(y, "_int_cols"), ",",
collapse = ""
if (i == length(self$args)) {
temp <- paste("double*", paste0(y, "_double_ptr"), ",",
"int", paste0(y, "_int_rows"), ",",
"int", paste0(y, "_int_cols"),
collapse = ""
} else if (self$R_fct == TRUE) { # not ptr_vec or ptr_mat
temp <- paste(type, paste0(y, type_name), ",", collapse = "")

if (i == length(self$args)) {
temp <- paste(type, paste0(y, type_name), collapse = "")
} else if (self$R_fct == FALSE) { # XPtr interface
temp <- paste(type, y, ",", collapse = "")

if (i == length(self$args)) {
temp <- paste(type, y, collapse = "")

arguments_string[i] <- temp

arguments_string <- paste(arguments_string, collapse = " ")

sig <- NULL
if (extern == FALSE) {
sig <- paste(self$return_valtype, self$name, "(", arguments_string, ")", "{", collapse = " ")
} else {
sig <- paste('extern "C" {', self$return_valtype, self$name, "(", arguments_string, ");}", collapse = " ")

if (typedef == TRUE) {
sig <- paste(self$return_valtype, "(*fct_ptr)", "(", arguments_string, ");", collapse = " ")

vars_declaration_own = function(desired_type) {
variables <- self$get_vars()

args_dec <- sapply(seq_along(variables), function(x) {
temp <- paste(gsub(" ", "", self$var_types[[x]]),
paste0(variables[[x]], ";", collapse = ""),
collapse = ""
args_dec <- paste(args_dec, collapse = "")
args_dec <- paste("\n", args_dec, "\n")

fct_args <- self$args_2_fct

fct_args_ptr <- sapply(seq_along(fct_args), function(x) {
if (desired_type[[x]] == "ptr_vec") {
} else if (desired_type[[x]] == "ptr_mat") {
fct_args_ptr <- fct_args_ptr[!]

fct_args_dec <- sapply(seq_along(fct_args), function(x) {
temp <- NULL
if (desired_type[[x]] == "ptr_vec") {
temp <- paste("sexp", fct_args[[x]], "(",
paste0(fct_args[[x]], "_int_size,"),
paste0(fct_args[[x]], "_double_ptr,"),
collapse = ""
) # borrow
} else if (desired_type[[x]] == "ptr_mat") {
temp <- paste("sexp", fct_args[[x]], "(",
paste0(fct_args[[x]], "_int_rows,"), paste0(fct_args[[x]], "_int_cols,"),
paste0(fct_args[[x]], "_double_ptr,"),
collapse = ""
) # borrow
} else {
temp <- paste("WrapperSEXP", fct_args[[x]], ";")
temp <- c(temp, fct_args[[x]], "=", paste0(self$args[[x]], desired_type[x], "; ", "\n", collapse = ""))

if (self$R_fct == TRUE) {
args_dec <- c(args_dec, fct_args_dec)
} else if (length(fct_args_ptr) >= 1) {
args_dec <- c(args_dec, fct_args_dec[fct_args_ptr])

build_own = function(verbose = FALSE, reference = FALSE) {

fct <- c(
"// [[Rcpp::depends(ast2ast)]] \n",
"// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]] \n",
"// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp20)]] \n",
'#include "etr.hpp"', "\n",
"// [[Rcpp::export]]", "\n",
"SEXP getXPtr();", "\n",
self$signature_own(self$desired_type, reference, extern = FALSE),
"SEXP getXPtr() {", "\n",
paste("typedef", self$signature_own(self$desired_type, reference, extern = FALSE, typedef = TRUE), ";\n"),
paste("return Rcpp::XPtr<fct_ptr>(new fct_ptr(& ", self$name, "));\n"),

fct <- paste(unlist(fct), collapse = "")

# build with own types
build_own_SEXP = function(verbose = FALSE, reference = FALSE) {
fct <- NULL

if (self$return_TF == FALSE) {
fct <- c(
"// [[Rcpp::depends(ast2ast)]] \n",
"// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]] \n",
"// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp20)]] \n",
'#include "etr.hpp"', "\n",
"// [[Rcpp::export]] \n",
self$signature_own(self$desired_type, reference, extern = FALSE), "\n",
self$vars_declaration_own(self$desired_type), "\n",
self$char, "\n",
"return R_NilValue;\n",
} else {
fct <- c(
"// [[Rcpp::depends(ast2ast)]] \n",
"// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]] \n",
"// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp20)]] \n",
'#include "etr.hpp"', "\n",
"// [[Rcpp::export]] \n",
self$signature_own(self$desired_type, reference, extern = FALSE), "\n",
self$vars_declaration_own(self$desired_type), "\n",
self$char, "\n",

fct <- paste(unlist(fct), collapse = "")

astClass <- R6::R6Class("astClass",
public = list(
args = NULL,
Expand Down

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