A desktop streaming application for the OculusGo and GearVR (although untested). Basically works in any browser. Tested on Android phone. Reported working with Nintendo Switch as well.
------ Made by Kaj Toet ---
Cross platform using Java.
Captures desktop with VLC using VLCj library.
Compresses video using JPEG, PNG or GIF.
Uses custom interlacing and interframe compression.
Streams over websockets.
Supports virtual keyboard. Input is copied to clipboard on PC and then copy-pasted, so it can handle all characters.
Supports touch for mouse.
Supports native keyboard events.
Test results: ~22mbit/s at 60fps for a Call of Duty Youtube video @ 1920x1080. Will be lower if the client browser has a lower resolution as the video is downscaled before compression. The OculusGo browser has a resolution of 800x480 when not in fullscreen.
Stereo sound support implemented! Still some more latency inconsistencies, but works pretty well overall.
WebVR support: visit "http://address:port/webvr.html"
- Download the Jar: https://github.com/Kjos/OculusGoStreamer/raw/master/out/artifacts/OculusGoStreamer_jar/OculusGoStreamer.jar
- Run from commandline: java -jar OculusGoStreamer.jar
- Or any other way you run Java programs.
- The console will give details about Java and VLC architectures. On Windows, a separate copy of VLC that matches Java architecture will be downloaded and put in a new directory 'vlc-override'.
- Visit the address printed in the terminal in your PCs browser first The address will have port 7578 by default. Note: The address printed may not be the correct address for your network architecture. If you get a 404, you need to use another address.
- It will print "Polling minimum achievable latency" for a few seconds, while the browser shows a black screen.
- And then should begin to stream.
- Visit the address in your browser (close the other stream, only 1 stream at a time can be open at one time).
- Click the keyboard icon to open the virtual keyboard.
- Reloading the browser page will also reload config.json from file.
- Change raise resolution by lowering 'initial-scale=1.0' in index.html. 0.5 is resolution multiplier of two. Same for lowering resolution, but vice versa. The console output will print your resolution, for example: 'Recorder set up, width: 1096, height: 617'.
- Requires Java 1.6 or higher. VLCj for Mac OSX can only handle JVM 1.6 (? not sure).
- The vlcj included library requires version 2.1.0+ of VLC to be present.
- VLC 3 reported not working for Mac. Possibly Windows and Linux too (unverified), however Windows downloads VLC 2.2.6 from start.
- VLC 2.2.6 confirmed working. Any 2.x should probably work fine.
- VLC needs to be same architecture as JVM. The console will print your Java and VLC architectures.
- If not working from start, you can download VLC here: http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/
- You can put the contents of VLC in a directory called 'vlc-override' next to the Jar, and it will use that instead of the default VLC.
- More information about vlcj: http://capricasoftware.co.uk/#/projects/vlcj/tutorial/prerequisites
For OculusGo specifically:
- At 10% battery the connection or browser will be limited and streaming will stutter.
- When you have the headset off, the browser will keep running in the background, so close the app when you're done.
- If you're experiencing issues connecting to the webserver, try rebooting the Oculus Go.
See: https://github.com/Kjos/OculusGoStreamer/blob/master/config.json
- Check SBS 3D support.
- Blit cursor without VLC for cross platform and dynamically toggle on/off on movement pointer.
- Test sound different browsers.
- Improve latency. TCP makes it so packets can get stacked. Needs to send and receive frame timestamps to be able to read the actual latency and account for it. (Done)
- Browser side pull up menu so more options can be accessible. (Done)
- Such as fullscreen support. (Done)
- Or switching displays. (Done)
- Improve input latency for mouse cursor. Don't know why or if it can be improved much, but I think it can. (Mostly done by fixing the video latency. Don't think it can be improved anymore.)
- Support bluetooth keyboard and other controllers.
- Video compression needs overall improvement. Perhaps the interframe method can be removed, but I think the bandwidth usage might otherwise become too high at cost of quality. Overall interframe compression is GPU-costly for browserside. (Mostly done)
- Sound is missing. (Done, needs some improvement though)
- Bundle everything as single executable. (Website dir now extracts from Jar, for Windows VLC is downloaded)
- Config file support or commandline parameters if sufficient. (Done, config.json)
- Maintain aspect ratio. Will also lessen bandwidth usage a tiny bit. (Done)