Sorting serial sections using a TSP-solver
- concorde (free for academic use)
- cplex (free with academic initiative)
- tsplib format (file format for feeding concorde with tsps)
Download cplex 12.5 and install into <cplex-install-dir>
$ chmod +x cplex_studio1251.linux-x86-64.bin
$ ./cplex_studio1251.linux-x86-64.bin
Note that building concorde will not work with cplex 12.6. Download latest [concorde source][concorde-source] and extract into <concorde-src-dir>
$ mkdir -p <concorde-src-dir> && cd <concorde-src-dir>
$ tar xf ~/Downloads/co031219.tgz
Create , link cplex libraries and headers into and run the concorde build configuration.
$ mkdir -p <concorde-build-dir> && cd <concorde-build-dir>
$ ln -s <cplex-install-dir>/cplex/include/ilcplex/*.h .
$ ln -s <cplex-install-dir>/cplex/lib/x86-64_sles10_4.1/static_pic/*.a .
$ <concorde-src-dir>/configure --prefix=$PWD --with-cplex=$PWD
and replace
LIBFLAGS = -liberty -lm
LIBFLAGS = -liberty -lm -pthread
in each file.
<concorde-build-dir> && make
The TSP solver is now located at <concorde-build-dir>/TSP/concorde
Copy/link the TSP solver into the bin directory of your Fiji distribution.
cp <concorde-build-dir>/TSP/concorde <fiji-root>/bin
Build section-sort and copy the jar into the jar directory of your Fiji distribution.
mvn clean install<fiji-root>/ -Ddelete.other.versions=true
Copy section_sort.bsh into the plugins directory of your Fiji distribution.
cp <section-sort>/src/main/bsh/tsp/section_sort.bsh <fiji-root>/plugins
The section sort plugin will then appear in the Plugins drop down menu after restarting Fiji or
refreshing the beanshell scripts (Plugins -> Scripting -> Refresh BSH Scripts