A neovim plugin for creating template project structures for various languages
neovim >= 0.8.0
Install using your preffered package manager
use "KDesp73/project-starter.nvim"
Plug 'KDesp73/project-starter.nvim'
default_paths = {
c = "path/to/c/projects/",
cpp = "path/to/cpp/projects/",
java = "path/to/java/projects/", -- this includes java swing projects
nvim_plugins = "path/to/neovim/plugins",
python = "path/to/python/projects",
ruby = "path/to/ruby/projects",
android = "path/to/android/projects"
cd = false, -- change project directory after creation (default is true)
Get additional help with :help project-starter
:CreateProject [project-type] [project-name]
: Creates project starter for specific language
Currently supporting:
- C
- C++
- Java
- Java Swing
- Neovim Plugin with Lua
- Python
- Ruby
- Android Apps with Kotlin
A big thank you to nekocode for his create-android-kotlin-app starter python script