JSOSolvers v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- Quasi-Newton models (#11)
Merged pull requests:
- TRON for nonlinear least squares (#18) (@abelsiqueira)
- Trunk for quasi-Newton models (#22) (@dpo)
- TRON for quasi-Newton models (#23) (@dpo)
- Fix variant definition from trunk and tron (#24) (@abelsiqueira)
- Test CI with Julia 1.0, 1 and nightly. Fix dev on docs (#26) (@abelsiqueira)
- fix CI scripts (#27) (@dpo)
- Raise error if can't handle the type of problem (#32) (@abelsiqueira)
- Small fix inside trunk-nls (#35) (@abelsiqueira)
- Update to NLPModels 0.13, CompatHelper and version 0.4.0 (#37) (@abelsiqueira)