Tools for creating ROC, calibration, and decision curves for survival models. Jackknife pseudo-values are used to account for right-censoring. Confidence bands are provided for ROC and calibration curves.
can be installed from github using devtools
Here is a simple example using the Rotterdam breast cancer data set in the survival
library(survival) # Load the survival package
mod = coxph( # Using a Cox PH model
Surv(rtime, recur)~ size+meno+hormon+age+nodes+pgr+er,
data=rotterdam, # Using the Rotterdam data set
x=TRUE) # Return the x matrix
Then the ROC, calibration, and decision curves can be displayed using the SurvValPlots
library(SurvValPlots) # Load the SurvValPlots package
survPlots(mod, # The model from above
time=365.25*3, # Predicting at 3 years
df=rotterdam, # Using the Rotterdam data set
eventVar = "recur", # The name of the event variable
timeVar = "rtime", # The name of the time variable
plotType = "All") # Which plots to display