你好!我是姜天伟,一名物联网工程开发者,现在大学在读。我的学习和研究涵盖软硬件,有云计算、大数据和微处理器设计方面的实践经验。通过实习和个人项目,我不断磨练自己的技能,始终保持创新的视角。 除了技术,我还热衷于田径、摄影和视频编辑,用创造力和体育活动来平衡我的生活。简而言之,我是一个热爱技术和生活的人,永远渴望探索和创新。
- Github:我的代码仓库。
- 灰海宽松的主页:我的个人简历。
- 灰海宽松的CSDN博客:我的CSDN账号,主要用于技术文章分享。
- 灰海宽松的微信公众号:我的资讯分享,文章同步发布公众号。
- 灰海宽松的bilibili空间:我的bilibili账号,主要用于技术,日常视频分享。
- 灰海行舟:人生随笔集:我的人生感悟随笔。
- 灰海工坊:踏星逐路:我的创新小玩意们!
- 技术问题和讨论
- 项目合作
- 分享会和演讲邀请
- 其他相关话题
Welcome! I am Jiang Tianwei, an Internet of Things engineering developer, now studying in university. My studies and research encompass both software and hardware, with practical experience in cloud computing, big data, and microprocessor design. Through internships and personal projects, I continuously hone my skills, always maintaining an innovative perspective. Besides technology, I am passionate about track and field, photography, and video editing, balancing my life with creativity and physical activities. In short, I am a person who loves both technology and life, always eager to explore and innovate.
- Github: My code repository.
- 灰海宽松的主页: My personal resume.
- 灰海宽松的CSDN博客: My CSDN account, mainly used for sharing technical articles.
- 灰海宽松的微信公众号: My information sharing, the article synchronously published Wechat Offical Account.
- 灰海宽松的bilibili空间: My bilibili account, mainly used for sharing technical videos.
- 灰海行舟:人生随笔集: My life insights essays.
- 灰海工坊:踏星逐路: My innovative little creations!
If you wish to reach out to me, please feel free to open a new issue. Before posting your issue, kindly search existing ones to prevent duplicates. Clearly articulate your query or requirement for a more effective communication.
I am open to discussions and collaborations on a wide array of topics, including but not limited to:
- Technical queries and discussions
- Opportunities for project collaboration
- Invitations for sharing sessions or speaking engagements
- Any other relevant subject matter
Thank you for considering this method to communicate with me! I look forward to our exchanges and mutual growth. Let's connect and inspire each other! (^ ▽ ^)