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You can get exe here.
A 2D platformer shooter.
- w, a, s, d to move t, y, g, h to move camera
- f to shoot in front of character
- m to switch mouse control camera
- l to open test camera box
- O to active enemy hatred
- mouse to aim
- left mouse key to shoot
- right mouse key to melee attack
- Q, R to switch weapon
- 0 to switch shader
- 9 to resize camera
- + , - to scale camera
- T, Y, G, H to move camera
- 8 to fullscreen
- left joystick to move
- dpad to move. also can move camera by activing camera mode.
- left joystick button to active dpad camera mode.
- right joystick to aim.(need to open aim mode first)
- right joystick button to active aim mode.
- A to jump.
- Y, B to switch weapon.
- RT to shoot.
- LT to melee attack.
- RB, LB to scale camera.
Can use mouse to aim and used keyboard to control camera : scale camera, move camera, mouse control camera.
Add enemies and blood effect.
Enemy has a simple ai to aim player. And need to be trigger.
- Add entity class to collect similar function and variable from player and enemies.
- Fixed aim line to make it more correct.
- Using weapon fail fixed.
- Shooting will shake weapon now.
- Add China variable to control blood is green or red.
Add switch weapon feature. Using list and index to change weapon.
Add melee attack system. Use right mouse button to melee attack.
AI can melee attack now. Improved AI_attack function.
Melee attack is part from up pos, down pos and middle pos has different value to edit.
Enemy will being intense if you attack in front of them.(多方位調整,目前有高、中高、中、低等攻擊位置,有正反兩面,所以有八位攻擊角。)
Create bullet function fixed. Now will record user.
Player shoot 8 direction.
press 8 to fullscreen.
Classify entity and weapon more graceful.
Add a dict to control shot bullet type.
Add resource path to each load to make sure exe will success.
bullet has health now.
Add a dict to collect weapon data
Add shield
Q can switch last weapon, E can switch next weapon.
Add map border
Add invinsible time
Dynamic bullet amount in map
Add a object class for item or moving particles.
Add flesh explode from dying entity.
Change Entity type and object type setting.
Add health bar. UI system first part done.
Add Weapon UI
- Add object pool and 3 function about object pool. Now can store bullet in it.
- move_to_object_pool(self, object)
- take_from_object_pool(self, object)
- seek_object_from_object_pool(self, object_type)
- Update flesh move. Can add x direction by bullet hit.
- Add particle to object pool.
- Add joystick control.
- Add player, enemy and weapon to object pool. -> weapon float bug
- Fixed joystick aim.
- Weapon spawn error fixed.
- Add custom cursor.
- Fixed cursor offset and aiming deviation.
- Add controller detect feature.
- Add load map function.
- Fixed image texture problem. exe all guns.
- Sword can kill bullet by sweeping.
- Add background texture.
- Add controller vibration. (while getting damage or shooting bullet)
- Add sword shield enemy bullet feature.
- Fixed pygame.display.set_mode method import.
- Upgrade camera class.
- Upgrade game class -> put screen and shader in it.
Set used_groups to store groups and old_self function to load new info\
Find where you kill this object replace with move_to_object_pool(self)
Find where you spawn this object replace with code below
old_object = self.seek_object_from_object_pool('object_type') if old_object: self.take_from_object_pool(old_particle) old_object.old_object(self, reference...)
- background particle -> reference sword rain
- skill
- Drop item -> new class?
- Ammo limit -> do it with UI
- Menu
- more weapon -> need data dict and file to edit
- switch map system
- networking -> socket?
- Improve AI move
- Change Character sprite -> I hate spritesheet
- Add crouch system
- Parkour system -> wall jump or something
- Boss Fight
- Random mode
- Store System -> need money or credit
- Mobile
- bgm
- more sfx
- dual gun
- delta time fix
- melee weapon and melee attack system
- switch weapon
- shield
- bullet across wall hack
- enemy body flesh explode effect
- UI -> HP, Enemy info , Ammo, Item Info, Map info ...
- object pool to keep bullet and weapon.
- xbox controller
- Map editor -> map save system
- controller vibration