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Seamus Riordan edited this page Jan 7, 2014 · 5 revisions

##Coordinate systems:


+z is down the nominal beam axis
+y is "up" (away from gravity)
+x makes a right handed coordinate system


+z is nominally down the "central axis" in the particle direction
+x is "down" (into the floor)
+y makes a right handed coordinate system

##ROOT file output structure

count Counts given the beam time/luminosity
rate Counts per second given luminosity
solang Integrating over this variable will give solid angle
sigma Cross section [cm^-2]
W2 Invariant mass squared [GeV^2]
xbj Bjorken-x
Q2 Q2 [GeV^2]
th Polar angle of electron with zaxis [rad]
ph Azimuthal angle of electron with zaxis [rad]
Aperp perp component of asymmetry
Apar parallel component of asymmetry
vx,y,z Vertex position [cm]
ep Scattered electron momentum [GeV]
np Scattered nucleon momentum [GeV]
epx,y,z Lab components of electron momentum [GeV]
npx,y,z Lab components of nucleon momentum [GeV]
nth Polar angle of nucleon wrt z-axis [rad]
nph Azimuthal angle of nucleon wrt z-axis [rad]
pmperp Missing momentum perp-component [GeV]
pmpar Missing momentum par-component [GeV]
nucl Nucleon when scattering type, 0 for neutron, 1 for proton
fnucl Final nucleon type (pion prod may change flavor), 0 for neutron, 1 for proton

x Track x coordinate intercept with z= 0 plane [m]
y Track y coordinate intercept with z= 0 plane [m]
xp Track dx/dz
yp Track dy/dz
tx,ty,typ,txp "True" track variables defined by track projection at first chamber
hcal 0 if no hit in HCAL, 1 if hit
bb 0 if no hit in BB cal, 1 if hit
gemtr 0 if no track found in GEMs, 1 if track found
hcx HCAL x hit position [cm]
hcy HCAL y hit position [cm]
bcx BB cal x hit position [cm]
bcy BB cal y hit position [cm]
hct HCAL time-of-flight [ns]
hctex HCAL expected time-of-flight from momentum-transfer [ns]
hclx,y,z HCAL hit position in lab coordinates [cm]
hcdang HCAL angular difference between q and nucleon p [rad]

thbb BigBite angle [rad]
thhcal HCAL angle [rad]
dbb BigBite distance from target [m]
dhc HCAL distance from target [m]
Ebeam Beam energy [GeV]

ndata Number of hits in ht.* array
gid GEM ID (counting starts at 1)
x,y,z GEM hit position (incl. resolution effects) [m]
dx,dy dx/dz and dy/dz of track at hit
tx,ty "True" GEM hit position (perfect resolution) [m]
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