This repo is based on my Diplom thesis. The main Konzept is to solve classification probelm.
Two programming languages are used: Python and Matlab.
The goal is solving the doppler ambiguity problem. That means using complex range-Doppler maps that contain complex numbers to train CNN models. To achieve this, we need CNN which is applicable to complex numbers. The code in order complexPyTorch is based on the open source complexPyTorch.
Sorry, i can not upload example dataset here. The example dataset is already too big. Example Dataset is on DOPPLER AMBIGUITY DATASET. All data is generated using Matlab to simulate a 77GHz FMCW millimeter-wave radar sensing in the road scenario.
The input is called range-dopller-map with one target:
This is the processed data with python. The input is complex numbers. In this picture, the dimension of input is 50x64. The dimension of raw data is 1024x64.
The label is called Factor πΉ. It is based on this formel:
The π£_πππππππ‘, π£_πππ‘ are the ground truth velocity of target and the measured velocity of target.
The π£_πππ₯ is the maximal measurable velocity of radar.
The π£_πππππππ‘, π£_πππ‘, π£_πππ₯ can be collected while simulating with Matlab.
If you are interessed in this formel, i highly recommend you to read Doppler disambiguation in MIMO FMCW radars with binary phase modulation.
Matlab is for dataset generation.
The code is based on Radar Signal Simulation and Processing for Automated Driving. Used toolboxs are: Automated Driving Toolbox and Radar Toolbox.
Example driving scenario for 2 targets:
You can set radar parameters here.
- Two Modulations: TDM and BPM.
- sender number
- receiver number
You can set drive scenario parameters here.
The ego-car does the uniform motion. And non-ego cars do the uniform acceleration motion.
- frame_rate and running_time
- velocity of ego car and maxiaml velocity of non-ego cars
- maxiaml acceleration of non-ego cars
- RCS of non-ego cars
- appear probability of non-ego cars
- EXTRA: generate data within specific velocity range
The code is based on Radar Signal Simulation and Processing for Automated Driving.
- display_scenario: whether show video display
- save_Xcubes: whether save Xcubes
- detect_object:whether use CFAR to detect, 'no': no display, because no detect.
- deletle_record: whether delete record if there is error
It is almost like the original one from Matlab example.
run 'radar_signal_simulation.m' n times to collecte datas.
Python is for data processing and model training and testing.
The orginal is provided by wavefrontshaping. More details about complexPyTorch is here
Added functions by me:
- complex_dropout3d
- complex_avg_pool3d
- _retrieve_elements_from_indices_3D
- complex_max_pool3d
- complex_leaky_relu
- ComplexConv3d
- NaiveComplexBatchNorm3d
- ComplexDropout3d
- ComplexAvgPool3d
- ComplexMaxPool3d
This script provides various functions to preprocess the raw dataset.
At the begin it is function cfar_rect. cfar means Constant false alarm rate. With this function the target can be detcetd. And the Area is called Region of Interest (ROI). The picture below is an example for two targets:
After using cfar_rect we will get two ROIs, because we have two targets.
cfar is basis for doppler ambiguity problem solving. After using cfar, we will get multiple single ROI. This make the Algorithm keeping simple. If we do not use cfar, we will get the problems below:
- we have to train model with data in dimension 50x64. This make model very big compare with data after cfar in like 9x7.
- assume we have 2 targes, and each target have 4 possible velocty. Then we will have 16 possible combinations. But if we use cfar, we will get 2 single ROI. This means we acctually have exact only 4 possible velocty for each target. This make preparing dataset also much easily.
After function cfar_rect, it is the main body class PrepareDataset for processing dataset.
The main functions for processing dataset:
- convert_mat_dataset: convert mat data to label.csv, Xbf.npy, Xcube.npy
- process_decimate: decimate Xbf.npy. original:1024x64. After decimating: 50x64 (This is depend on your radar setting).
- process_normalize: do normalization on whole dataset
- process_doppler_vector: get doppler vector datase
- process_multiple_frames: combined serveal .npy. Function is like HMDB51 in PyTorch.
- process_frame_minus_frame: do frame2-frame1, frame3-frame2...
- process_cfar_rect_single_target: get CFAR-ROI dataset for one target
- process_cfar_rect_multiple_targets: get CFAR-ROI dataset for multiple target
- balance_label_factor: balace dataset based on factor
- balance_label_velocity: balance dataset based on velocity range
Details are in script. Here is only the quick review.
create one obejct firstly:
preparedata = PrepareDataset()
Then you can use function now:
This script shows the structure of CNN and the training- and testing phase. It provided only a idea, the reason is:
The purpose of this thsis is to explore the feasibility and try to make the parameters of the model as few as possible, the structure of the model is very simple and parameters are also not 'perfect'.
Some trained models are loaded.
Only the main results will be showed. All results are tested with test dataset. And Dataset are generater with TDM.
Conv3D_fna means traning CNN 3D using dataset with n frames.
Conv2D_fna means traning CNN 2D using dataset with n frame(s).
Conv2D_delta1a means traning CNN 2D using dataset with 1 frame (this frame = frame2 - frame1).
The number near the color circle is the total params. x-achse is the total mult-adds (M). And y is the accuracy on test dataset.
Conv3D_fna means traning CNN 3D using dataset with n frames.
Conv2D_fna means traning CNN 2D using dataset with n frame(s).
Conv2D_delta1a means traning CNN 2D using dataset with 1 frame (this frame = frame2 - frame1).
The number near the color circle is the total params. x-achse is the total mult-adds (M). And y is the accuracy on test dataset.
The model for two targets is exactly the model for 1 target with Dataset with Dimension 9x7.
Accuracy is 77.5%.
- Using Deep Learning can solve doppler ambiguity problem for one target and multiple target.
- 2D CNN with 1 frame has the best performence (accuracy, computation and parameters).
- (Model with 2D-CNN, 1 frame and Dimension 9x7 has the best performence. This is based on experiments)
- collect more data for train and find better parameters for models
- collect real worl data and use them to test
- imporve cfar