This is a linear algebra lib. to be used in CL
- CL-CXX is installed with C++ deps.
Clone into home/common-lisp/programs/
cd cl-cxx-eigen
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Then open CL and asdf:test-system "cxx-eigen"
currently Eigen::MatrixXd
, but can be extended easily.
for more functions, see src/eigen.cpp
(asdf:load-system :cxx-eigen) ;; or (ql:quickload :cxx-eigen)
(in-package :cxx-eigen)
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print (create-mat2 3 4))
"0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0"
CXX-EIGEN> (defvar x (create-mat2 3 3))
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print x)
"0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0"
CXX-EIGEN> (m.set-ones x)
; No value
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print x)
"1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1"
CXX-EIGEN> (m.set-identity x)
; No value
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print x)
"1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1"
CXX-EIGEN> (m.set-at-index x 0 1 2.1d0)
; No value
CXX-EIGEN> (m.set-at-index x 0 2 3.2d0)
; No value
CXX-EIGEN> (m.set-at-index x 1 2 4.3d0)
; No value
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print x)
" 1 2.1 3.2
0 1 4.3
0 0 1"
CXX-EIGEN> (m.determinant x)
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print (m* x (m.inverse x)))
"1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1"
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print (m.inverse x))
" 1 -2.1 5.83
0 1 -4.3
0 0 1"
CXX-EIGEN> (defvar A (create-matrix2 3 3))
CXX-EIGEN> (m.set-from-list A '(2d0 4d0 -2d0 4d0 9d0 -3d0 -2d0 -3d0 7d0) 3 3)
; No value
CXX-EIGEN> (defvar L (m.l A))
CXX-EIGEN> (defvar U (m.u A))
CXX-EIGEN> (defvar P (m.p A))
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print L)
" 1 0 0
-0.5 1 0
0.5 -0.333333 1"
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print U)
" 4 9 -3
0 1.5 5.5
0 0 1.33333"
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print P)
"0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 0"
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print A)
" 2 4 -2
4 9 -3
-2 -3 7"
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print (m* (m.inverse p) (m* l u)))
" 2 4 -2
4 9 -3
-2 -3 7"
CXX-EIGEN> (defvar B (create-matrix))
CXX-EIGEN> (m.set-from-list B '(2d0 8d0 10d0) 3 1)
; No value
CXX-EIGEN> (m.print (m.solve A B))
Tested on SBCL 1.4.5.debian
Copyright (c) 2018 Islam Omar ([email protected])
Licensed under the MIT License.