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Asana Github PR Webhook

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Updates from codeallthethingz's original repo

  • Get asana task ID from PR description instead of 4 digits
  • Use Vercel's environment variables

Links a PR in asana when a new Pull Request is created in Github with the task url in the description.


Include a link to the asana ticket in the PR description. The last segment of the URL will be used to find the task:

# PR description example
Fix things. See [Asana Task](

See a link to the PR appear as a comment on that task in Asana.

See a link to the Asana task appear as a comment on the PR.


1. Get an Asana access token

  • To get an access token go to 'My Profile Settings' -> Apps -> 'Manage Developer Apps' -> 'Create new personal access token'.
  • Make a note of the access token as you'll need it later on. <asana access token>

2. Get your Asana workspace id

  • Make sure you're logged in to asana and go to
  • Make a note of the gid as you'll need it later on. <workspace id>

3. Get an Github access token

  • To get an access token go to 'Settings' -> 'Developer Settings' -> 'Personal Access Token' -> 'Generate new token'.
  • Under 'scopes' select 'Repo'.
  • Make a note of the access token as you'll need it later on. <github access token>

4. Deploy the application

This project uses Vercel to deploy, which requires only a github account and gives you unlimited free invocations a month.

  • Create a long, random password that we'll refer to as <webhook secret>
  • Fork this repo and download it.
  • Change the now.json config to choose a different alias as you won't be able to use the default. We'll refer to this URL as <url>
  • Run npm install
  • Run
    vercel --prod \
      -e WEBHOOK_SECRET="<webhook secret>" \
      -e ASANA_ACCESS_TOKEN="<asana access token from step 1>"\
      -e WORKSPACE_ID="<workspace id from step 2>"\
      -e GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="<github access token from step 3>"
  • Go to -> asana-github-pr-webhook project -> Settings -> Domains to retrieve a non-changing URL for step 5

5. Setup webhooks in Github

  • For the github project you want to integrate, go to settings -> webhooks -> add a new webhook.
  • Set the Payload URL to https://<url from step 4>/webhook.js
  • Set the content type to application/json
  • Set the secret to <webhook secret>
  • Set the events to 'Let me select individual events' and check the box next to 'Pull Requests'
  • Save.

Everything should work.


Folder structure

  asana.js      # Client for querying asana through asanator
  asanator.js   # Interface over asana APIs
  github.js     # Client for querying github through githubator
  githubator.js # Interface over github APIs
  processor.js  # Glue github and asana clients together
webhook.js    # Process requests incoming from github

Useful Commands

npm      # Install dependencies
npm test # Run tests


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