srt-live-server(SLS) is an open source live streaming server for low latency based on Secure Reliable Tranport(SRT). Normally, the latency of transport by SLS is less than 1 second in internet.
please install the SRT first, refer to SRT( for system enviroment. SLS can only run on OS based on linux, such as mac, centos or ubuntu etc.
$ sudo make
bin file is generated in subdir of 'bin'.
about the config file, please see the wiki:
$ cd bin
$ ./sls -h
$ ./sls -c ../sls.conf
SLS only supports the MPEG-TS format streaming.
you can push camera live stream by FFMPEG.Please download ffmpeg sourcecode from, then compile FFMPEG with --enable-libsrt.
srt library is installed in folder /usr/local/lib64. if "ERROR: srt >= 1.3.0 not found using pkg-config" occured when compiling FFMPEG, please check the ffbuild/config.log file and follow its instruction to resolve this issue. in most cases it can be resolved by the following command: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig
if "error while loading shared libraries:" occured, please add srt library path to file '/etc/' as the default path, then refresh by comand /sbin/ldconfig with root.
use ffmpeg to push camera stream with SRT(on my mac):
$ ./ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate 30 -i "0:0" -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -flags2 local_header -acodec libmp3lame -g 30 -pkt_size 1316 -flush_packets 0 -f mpegts "srt://[your.sls.ip]:8080?"
play the SRT stream with ffplay:
./ffplay -fflags nobuffer -i "srt://[your.sls.ip]:8080?"
the OBS supports srt protocol to publish stream when version is later than v25.0. you can use the following url: srt://[your.sls.ip]:8080? whith custom service.
there is a test tool in sls, which can be used performance test because of no codec overhead but main network overhead. the slc can play a srt stream to a ts file, or push a ts file to a srt stream.
push ts file as srt url:
cd bin
./slc -r srt://[your.sls.ip]:8080? -i [the full file name of exist ts file]
play srt url
./slc -r srt://[your.sls.ip]:8080? -o [the full file name of ts file to save]
1.SLS refer to the RTMP url format(domain/app/stream_name), example: The url of SLS must be set in streamid parameter of SRT, which will be the unique identification a stream.
2.How to distinguish the publisher and player of the same stream? In conf file, you can set parameters of domain_player/domain_publisher and app_player/app_publisher to resolve it. Importantly, the two combination strings of domain_publisher/app_publisher and domain_player/app_player must not be equal in the same server block.
3.I supply a simple android app for test sls, your can download from
- update the memory mode, in v1.1 which is publisher copy data to eacc player, in v1.2 each publisher put data to a array and all players read data from this array.
- update the relation of the publisher and player, the player is not a member of publisher. the only relation of them is array data.
- add push and pull features, support all and hash mode for push, support loop and hash for pull. in cluster mode, you can push a stream to a hash node, and pull this stream from the same hash node.
- support hostname:port/app in upstreams of pull and push.
- support reload.
- add idle_streams_timeout feature for relay.
- change license type from gpl to mit.
- add http statistic info.
- add http event notification, on_connect, on_close.
- add player feature to slc(srt-live-client) tool for pressure test.
- add publisher feather to slc(srt-live-client) tool, which can push ts file with srt according dts.
- modify the http bug when host is not available.
- add remote_ip and remote_port to on_event_url which can be as the unique identification for player or publisher.
- change the tcp'epoll mode to select mode for compatible MAC os.
- modify the http check repeat bug for reopen.
- OBS streaming compatible, OBS support the srt protocol which is later than v25.0. (
- add hls record feature.
- update the pid file path from "~/" to "/opt/soft/sls/"
- update the pid file path from to "/opt/soft/sls/" "/tmp/sls" to avoid the root authority in some case.
- for compatible srt v1.4.1, add the set latency method before setup method