Converts a DICOM directory into an HDF5 data file with CT volume and ROI volume masks.
dcm2hdf requires a few prerequiste toolkits to be installed and visible to cmake.
- note: sometimes dcmtk needs to be built from source for the cmake config file to be properly installed
dcm2hdf is built using cmake.
- Windows users please consult relevant documentation to install prequiste libraries so that cmake can find the libraries. Alternatively, add all libraries and source to VisualStudio and build
Linux/Mac users
mkdir build
cmake ..
sudo ln -s /path/to/dcm2hdf /usr/local/bin
dcm2hdf [/path/to/dicom] [scale factor]
cd /path/to/dicom
dcm2hdf $PWD 2
Result is a plan.hdf5 file within DICOM directory.
\CT [CT stack volume]
\x [x coordinates]
\y [y coordinates]
\z [z coordinates]
\ROI_name [3D structore mask]