The Word Scramble Game is an interactive word puzzle game built with modern web technologies. The game presents players with a scrambled word and challenges them to unscramble it within a time limit. The interface is designed to be clean and user-friendly, providing an engaging experience.
- Scrambled Word Display: The puzzle word is displayed in a scrambled form, challenging the player to unscramble it.
- Hint Display: Provides a hint to guide players in solving the puzzle.
- Countdown Timer: A 30-second timer that adds urgency to the game.
- Input Field: Allows players to input their answer.
- Refresh Button: Reshuffles the scrambled word to give the player another try.
- Check Answer Button: Validates the player's input and checks if it matches the correct answer.
- HTML: Structure of the game interface.
- Tailwind CSS: Styling framework for UI components.
- TypeScript: Programming language for game logic and interactivity.