This repository include three part:
- Gray-depth-depth mask rcnn for object-agnostic segmentation for table top manipulations
- Siamese network to identify target object
- Shovel-and-Grasp experiment.
A conda virtual environment created with project root 'SaG_and_maskRCNN'.
General requirement:
1) Numpy; PyTorch version 1.5.0 with cuda
2) CoppeliaSim (Vrep) version 4.0.0
3) scipy
4) matplotlib
Extra dependencies for mask rcnn training and eval:
1) cython, pycocotools. See:
- Download WISDOM dataset: We will need the 'Real/low-res' one.
- Put the dataset under folder: 'SaG_and_maskRCNN/datasets/low-res/(low_res dataset components)'
- To start training the mask rcnn model, run: 'Training Script:'
- To evaluate and visualize mask rcnn training result, run: ''
- Run Vrep, open scene 'simulation/simulation.ttt'
- Go to 'shovel_grasp/', comment the lines: self.add_plane() self.add_wall() self.add_disturb() self.add_target() under function 'restart_sim(self)'
- Modify the drop object positions under function: add_target(self); add_disturb(self); add_wall(self), so that the object will not be dropped outside the heightmap of the workspace.
- Modify the '' accordingly to construct dataset from the collected data in 3);
- Modify '' accordingly to train and test the siamese network. (This script is not updated, cannot run directly.) In order to upgrade the old version siamese into more general term that is able to detect more target objects, 4) and 5) must be updated and the siamese network must be retrained.
1)Run: 'Vrep': For training, open scene: 'shovel_grasp/simulation/simulation.ttt' For testing, open scene:'shovel_grasp/simulation/test_scenes/xxx.ttt' % (xxx is the scene numbers)
The training and testing of KIDQN, DQN, DQN-init method: run: '' with different param configurations discribed as follows:
For training, set 'is_testing = False'
For KIDQN method: set 'method = 'KIDQN' '; For DQN-init method: set 'method = 'DQN_init' '; For DQN method: set 'method = 'DQN' ';
The Old Version Pretrained models that has been used in main_kidqn can be found here:
1) Pretrained maskrcnn should bu put under 'save_model_dir/pytorch_gdd_test/29.pth'
2) Old siamese models to detect one single target object (with workspace heightmap input) should locate under the path 'save_model_dir/Siamese_recollect/siamese-99.pth'
3) The visual affordance network model should be put under path specified by variable 'model_logger_dir' in the main function.
- For future work of using a Siamese Network (using image patch as input, not the entire workspace heightmap size), the siamese network related code in 'main_kidqn' and '' must be modified accordingly.