pipelines for detection and analysis of RV+ neurons and AAV+ pixels.
- AAV tracings imaged with SP5 or SP8 laser scanning confocal microscope
- RV tracings imaged with epifluorescent microscope
- images need to be single sections
- FIJI (Fiji is just ImageJ, NIH)
- Python (written in Python 3.6)
- ROIset needs to be re-adjusted for every image separately. If section cutting is uneven, a mix between ROIsets needs to be used. If ROIset does not fit over the section even after adjustments, new ROIs need to be drawn
script needs to be in the folder of counting data -
Before, train ‘Trainable Weka Segmentation’ on 3 – 4 sections and save settings Select path in line 34 -
ROIset needs to be re-adjusted for every image separately. If section cutting is uneven, a mix between ROIsets needs to be used. If ROIset is off, new ROIs need to be drawn -
script needs to be in the folder of counting data -
- autonomous_xx_detection: stack of DAPI + GFP + segmented image
- counting_RV: two excel tables
- excel sheet containing table of ROI labels, counts, total area, average size and %area.
- excel sheet contains a table with area and X and Y values of for single cells.
- counting_AAV: excel sheet containing table of ROI labels, counts, total area and pixel density [Pixel/um²]
- summary_xx: csv. file of all counting data combined analysis_xx: csv. files with data for pivot tables for plots along rostro-caudal axis
Author of macros and scripts Daniel Gehrlach of the Gogolla Lab at Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology.
Repository created by Caroline Weiand of the Gogolla Lab at Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology.